Say the Word, Luke 7:7

"Wherefore neither thought I myself worthy to come unto Thee: but say in a word, and my servant shall be healed."

     The Centurion did not ask Jesus for a sign or a miracle, as frequently did the Jews. He did not require long lists of proofs and evidences that Jesus was indeed who He claimed to be. He simply believed in Him, and trusted Him. He believed, without any signs or wonders out of the ordinary, that Jesus would do what he'd asked of Him. The Centurion humbly asked Jesus to say the word to heal his servant; he did not even feel worthy that He should come into his home.
     Are you able to give Jesus a problem, and with no visible evidence trust that He is going to work it out and solve it? Are you able to give it to Jesus and let go? Are you able to trust that He loves you enough to solve that problem in your best interest?

     Sometimes I want to say to myself, "Oh ye of little faith!" How can I believe that Jesus died on the cross to pay my debt of sin and unrighteousness in order to reconcile myself unto a relationship with God and yet not believe that He loves me enough to handle the smaller stresses of my life? How is it that we can trust God for the big things and assume that He's too busy or doesn't care enough to handle the little things as well? Shall not He, who gave us His only begotten Son, graciously give us all things pertaining to life and godliness...? Shall He give you a stone when you ask for bread and laugh?
     Shall He give you a snake when You ask for an egg? God is not sadistic and mean-- He is loving and kind and merciful! How dare we think otherwise. It is our deceitful, wicked hearts that lie to us, putting strange foreign thoughts into our minds in regards to God's immeasurable love for us. Not only so, but it is Satan who puts strange, disturbing thoughts in our minds. Thus it is very important that we "fix our thoughts on Jesus," as Hebrews 3:1 commands us.

     If there is a problem or an issue in your life that seems to be going unnoticed or ananswered by God, take heart! He does care, and He will answer you in His timing. He has purposes far beyond our own that He is fulfilling, purposes that we cannot possibly know. To assume that He is doing nothing is therefore foolishness and selfishness. He has promised that He has a plan for our lives (Jeremiah 29:11), that all things will work for our good, those who love Him (Romans 8:28). He has told us that He rejoices over us with singing even (Zephaniah 3:16)! Would such a loving God as this ever forsake us, leaving us to ruin and our own demise? I think not! So please, please, take your mind off your problem, cast it onto Jesus who gladly bears our burdens (for He cares for us!), and fix your mind on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith-- our great and merciful High Priest whom we confess.


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