Batman: Outlaws #2
October, 2000.
Doug Moench, Paul Gulacy, Charles Toakum, and Gloria Vasquez
Price: $4.95 US, $7.95 CAN
Synopsis: In this issue, the Bloodhawks continue their attempts to wipe out Batman and his crew from Gotham City. There really isn’t much on Batgirl. We see her on the cover. (When did she get heels???) She’s at the vigilantes’ meeting with Commissioner Gordon on the gargoyled rooftop. And, she saves Robin’s life during the battle with the Bloodhawks after the meeting. Hey, she shakes Robin’s hand right after! (That’s actually kinda important.) Oh, she gets to help Commissioner Gordon walk while he is dazed, too!!! WOWEE!!! And, don’t forget her one-panel appearance near the end of the issue when the heroes are gathering in some kinda sewer entrance.

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