Batman: Gotham Knights #2 - Down With the Ship
April, 2000.
Devin Grayson, Dale Eaglesham, and John Floyd
Price: $2.50 US, $3.95 CAN
Synopsis: This comic is a file on Batman and Batgirl. In the beginning, we see Batgirl barging in on some thugs in a bar without even waiting for Batman. In a few panels, the file talks about Batman taking on new partners, and then the fight in the bar is over. The next few pages is a unique sequence where the words of a character is carried on by the words of another, and so on. The basic story here is that people who survived No Man’s Land were kidnapped from Gotham and being transported in a ship to become slaves. These people had planted a bomb in the ship before, and the thugs who are keeping them captive want to know where it is. The bomb is finally detonated, and the people are locked inside the ship by their captors. Batman and Batgirl swim to the ship to save the people. As Batman handles things outside, Batgirl goes into the ship and frees the people. In several pages, an emotional scene takes place where Batgirl wants to stay on the ship and get her grapple. Batman sees through her and tells her he understands that she hates herself and wants to die. He then leaves her to make up her mind about whether she wants to live or die. In the next few panels, we see a completely shattered Batgirl thinking about what her life is worth. “Only SHE can save her soul.” Outside, Batman and the rescued people wait for Batgirl. Finally, she does appear, and they leave the ship. Batgirl is very happy, and the file is closed.
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