Ghost/Batgirl #2 - Who UN-KILLED Kendal Fletcher?
October, 2000.
Mike Kennedy and Ryan Benjamin
Price: $2.95 US, $4.50 CAN
Note: This one actually shipped on time!!! As you probably know, this is a cross-over between our favourite fem, Batgirl, and Dark Horse Comics’ main gal, Ghost.
Synopsis: Batgirl and Ghost pay Evacustar’s Dennis Bremler a little visit and try to get as much out of him as possible... But, it doesn’t turn out to be a lot. At a local hospital, Councilman Fletcher is reunited with his daughter. (Batgirl is wearing some VERY unusual clothing today!) Oracle suggests that she, Batgirl and Ghost work as a team. Ghost is reluctant, but goes along with it anyway. Beneath Arcadia, the un-killed Carver thanks Mr. Greymater for saving his life and starts heading back to Gotham to tie up some loose ends. Greymater sends his girl, Chris, to look over Carver. In Gotham, Two-Face kills another of his henchmen. Back in Arcadia, visit Mr. Bremlin once again, taking out some bodyguards in the process. Once again, they don’t get much out of him. At Two-Face’s hideout, Carver appears, threatening to shoot Two-Face. But, Two-Face is quick and nearly kills Carver. Outside, Chris arrives and takes him away. In Oracle and Batgirl’s Arcadia hotel room, the heroines discover that the man driving the Evacustar van at the scene of the bombing in Issue #1 is Nelson Potter. At Nelson’s apartment, the girl who drove off with his van at the bombing arrives and kills him right as Batgirl and Ghost appear. The Evacustar girl turns out to be Trixie, a snake-haired shapeshifter who has a thing for bombs. In the end, Trixie gets away. The last comic page has descriptions of Malcolm Greymater and Two-Face.

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