Batgirl #27
June, 2002.
Kelley Puckett, Phil Noto, and Robert Campanella
Price: $2.50 US, $4.25 CAN
Synopsis: This issue is part five of the Bruce Wayne: Fugitive storyline. Spoiler seems to be going to investigate a crime scene, but falls victim to Batgirl’s sense of humour. You’ll have to buy this issue to see what I mean. A bunch of heavily armed men are entering a building, and Batgirl knocks Spoiler out before going after them. Inside, Batgirl beats the crap out of the men and then leaves… only to bump into Batman, who looks like Hell. Batgirl wants to help him, but he reminds her of her fight with Shiva, which allows her to understand that he must work things out about his murder case on his own. In Oracle’s apartment, Spoiler argues with Batgirl since her jaw is throbbing in pain. When Spoiler leaves, we find out Batgirl had used a nerve strike when she knocked Spoiler out. Oracle then discusses the Bruce Wayne murder situation with Batgirl. Things are not going well. Later, at the cemetery, Batgirl digs up the murdered woman’s grave and discovers that she had been hit by a nerve strike to the jaw. Later still, Batgirl resumes her game of tag with Spoiler. (So, that’s what they were doing at the beginning of the issue!) Meanwhile, in a restaurant, we found out who had sent the armed men from earlier in the issue! Uh oh!
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