Batgirl #23
February, 2002.
Kelley Puckett, Damion Scott, and Robert Campanella
Price: $2.50 US, $4.25 CAN
Synopsis: It’s an amazing beginning to this issue as Batgirl knocks out a thug and disarms a bomb with Oracle’s help. Later in Oracle’s apartment, Oracle tells Batgirl about her old crime-fighting days. Batgirl is obviously somewhat preoccupied with her thoughts and ends up going to the holoroom to train for her fight against Shiva. As this is going on, Oracle contacts Batman and we find out they know about Batgirl’s fight with Shiva. The rest of the issue is Batgirl training like crazy while Oracle and Batman argue about Batgirl’s motive for fighting Shiva. And, of course, Batman is certain that Batgirl did not kill that crime boss in her childhood. He’s a stubborn one, I tell you!
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