October, 2001.
Kelley Puckett, Damion Scott, and Robert Campanella
Price: $2.50 US, $4.25 CAN
Synopsis: Oh, boy! This is a confusing one! The issue opens gruesomely as we witness a strangling. The killer is obviously sentenced to death, and we see him in jail preparing to die. And, at that moment, a woman in a limo asks for the time. And, at that moment, a TV reporter prepares to make a report. And, at THAT moment, Batgirl decides that “Nobody… dies… tonight.” Yup! That’s right, folks! Nobody is gonna die! Let the fun begin with a WHAM! WHUMP! and a THUK! Back in the prison, it’s time for the killer to die. There’s an audience in front of the gas chamber, and we see the woman in the limo there. Just as the killer is about to be gassed, Batgirl pops up in the chamber. Guards prepare as she breaks through the chamber and into the audience. Two pages later, everyone but Batgirl and the killer is unconscious. As a sniper prepares for a kill, the limo lady tells Batgirl that the killer killed her daughter and so deserves to die. This issue comes to an end with the killer being gassed.

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