Batgirl #12 - Officer Down
March, 2001.
Chuck Dixon, Dale Eaglesham, and Andrew Hennessey
Price: $2.50 US, $4.25 CAN
Note: This issue is a tie-in to the “Officer Down” story arc that’s going on in the Bat-books this month. Oh, the WHOLE Batgirl creative team has CHANGED!!! But, for the better! YAY! Also, this is the first issue in which the Canadian price changed... for the worse!!! GRRR! PLUS, they spelled Hennessey WRONG on the cover!!! This is the SECOND time they spelled someone’s name wrong on a cover!
Synopsis: This issue opens to a dark, rainy night. Batgirl is watches as a family is watching the news talk about Commissioner Gordon’s shooting. So, what does Batgirl need to do? Find the others! So, the hunt begins!!! *Doo doo doooooooo.* Around the city she goes, up, down, left, right. She visits tons of places, but finds no one. After breaking into Gordon’s office, she finds some papers on Catwoman and decides to go back home to get more information. In Barbara’s apartment, Batgirl gets through the Oracle system and gets what she needs. She then visits every known Catwoman hideout. In her final search, there are assassins who think Batgirl is Catwoman! In the hideout, Batgirl gets past all of Catwoman’s traps and then beats up all the assassins. Well, no Catwoman! What to do? “Find the others. Gordon needs our help. Gordon needs justice.” *Doo doo doooooooo.*

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