Batgirl #6
September, 2000.
Scott Peterson, Kelley Puckett, Damion Scott, and Robert Campanella
Price: $2.50 US, $3.95 CAN
Synopsis: The story begins with a flashback of when Batman was visiting Cain in Macau. In Gotham City, Batgirl thinks about how thinking in words has changed her view of the world, while she guards a manhole. In the sewer, Batman asks Mister Jeffers about why so many assassins are after him. Jeffers explains that he took part in an experiment that gave him his psychic abilities. When the head researcher, Dr. Johns, wanted to cut Jeffers’ brain out to make money with it, Jeffers freaked out and got away. As a fight between Batgirl and some assassins begins above, Jeffers explains to Batman that he had permanently changed Batgirl’s brain. As Batman starts running down the sewer, Batgirl slowly beats up the assassins. When Batman finally makes it out of the sewer, Batgirl gives him the hand and then teaches the last standing assassin a lesson by stopping his heart momentarily. Batman then gives Batgirl an assignment to go retrieve Dr. Johns, which she does promptly. Later, at a shack in the woods, Batgirl is instructed by Batman to take Dr. Johns inside. While Batman ambushes the assassins hiding in the woods, Batgirl notices some more assassins coming from behind the shack with very powerful guns. She immediately confronts them and takes all but one of them out. The last assassin pulls out his gun and she jumps at him, sacrificing herself to protect Jeffers and Dr. Johns as she take the bullets with her body. Later, she wakes up in the Bat Cave on a hospital bed. When Batman asks her why she did what she did, Batgirl answers “Instinct...”

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