Batgirl #3 - Batgirl Meets Meta!
June, 2000.
Scott Peterson, Kelley Puckett, Damion Scott, and Robert Campanella
Price: $2.50 US, $3.95 CAN
Synopsis: The comic begins with a glimpse of a bloodied Batman in his Batcave chair. The rest of the comic goes through the events leading up to this. He had to save the young daughter of a criminal, and had decided to bring Batgirl along. In Oracle’s apartment, Batman and Oracle have a classic argument before Batgirl shows up. On the rooftops, Batman tries to tell Batgirl what he has on his mind, but she doesn’t understand. The mission begins, and Batman and Batgirl beat up a bunch of gangsters. Suddenly, Meta appears, and Batgirl is confused as to why she can’t hurt him with a punch to the face. Batman is terrified since he knows Batgirl has never seen a metahuman before. Without wasting any time, he sends Meta through a window and tells Batgirl to stay away from Meta. He then retrieves the criminal’s daughter and gives her to Batgirl, telling her to take the girl away. Outside, Batgirl has a flashback of her past. A few moments later, Meta shows up, and Batgirl thinks Batman is dead. In a fit a rage, Batgirl attacks Meta, nearly defeating him before he slams her to the ground. But, it’s not over yet. With a final burst of strength, Batgirl kicks Meta in the throat repeatedly, and collapses beside his unconscious body. Batman appears and is very proud of her. In the Batcave, the comic ends with Batman receiving an old video of Batgirl killing a man. He is horrified.
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