Batgirl #2 - Please Help Me Not To Die
May, 2000.
Scott Peterson, Kelley Puckett, Damion Scott, and Robert Campanella
Price: $2.50 US, $3.95 CAN
Synopsis: We first see a very sad letter being written by a guy named John. What follows is the story leading up to the writing of the letter. John sees some guys trying to rape a married woman and decides to save her. He nearly dies in his attempt to be a hero, but Batgirl saves the day. In Oracle’s apartment, Batgirl is upset to see on the news that John was abducted, and Oracle immediately begins to look into the matter. Batgirl then goes out to the island where John is being held and attempts to rescue him. But, as they escape from the island, John can hold on to life no longer, and with his dying words, tells Batgirl to give his letter to his wife. Enraged, Batgirl beats up every member of the mob and leaves them for the cops. At John’s apartment, Batgirl delivers John’s letter to his wife. Finally, back in Oracle’s apartment, Barb finds Batgirl asleep at her desk and wonders why Batgirl has begun to learn to write.
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