Azrael: Agent of the Bat #57 - Batgirl’s Back! (No Man’s Land)
October, 1999.
Dennis O’Neil, Roger Robinson, and James Pascoe
Price: $2.25 US, $3.50 CAN
Synopsis: This issue continues from the last one. Jean Paul has been captured by Scratch, and now Scratch is about to let his followers kill him. But, Jean Paul has a plan to trick Scratch into allowing him to wear his costume to become Azrael. Scratch falls for it and postpones his execution. Jean Paul is beaten up badly and then tied up. While all this is going on, Batgirl begins to steal guns from Scratch’s followers. Then, she finds Jean Paul and begins to free him, but he has a plan, and tells her to stay close by. When the time comes for the execution, Jean Paul tricks Scratch into helping him put on his mask, completing his transition into Azrael. As the execution begins, Azrael breaks free and beats up many of Scratch’s followers with Batgirl’s help. In the final showdown, Azrael beats up Scratch, and all of Scratch’s followers leave. After the excitement, Azrael and Batgirl return to Dr. Thompkins’ hospital with the much needed medical supplies.

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