
by Daisy

It was his pants that first caught her eye. Normally, she wouldn't dream of staring at a man's legs, but his were beautiful. She'd always loved flowers. But she never dreamed she'd ever see so many carnations on a man.

The sun shone brightly as she walked down the street that day. The combination of the sun and hunger made her feel nauseous.

her town was small. The population scarecely reached 400. Nothing ever happened in her town. It was unheard of, and if it wereheard of, it would have been passed off as hearsay. The town had its gossips. They gathered every morning in the cafe' to exchange the latest news. This time, Sam realized, the news was true.

" A young man has moved into the boarding house," she heard Florence Birk tell her friends,"He's an awful skrawny lookin' boy if ya ask me... and he wears the strangest clothes! Guess thats to be expected," her voice got lower, "ya know, for his kind. "What kind?" the other two asked in unison. Sam had suppressed a giggle. But when the women leaned closer to hear what Florence had to say, she found herself leaning and waiting for the answer herself.

The older lady took a sip of her coffee and wiped her mouth with her napkin. She loved all the attention.
"Rock stars."
There were gasps and intakes of breath all over the restaurant.
"You don't say!"
"Here? In our town?"
Soon, people were speculating about the new resident, causing themselves a mixture of fear and amusement. Sam had looked up at the clock then. Her shift had been over for ten minutes. She served her last coffee, slipped off her apron, and rushed out the door -- into what felt like a sauna.

She had only taken a couple of steps when she saw him-- this guy every old lady in town believed was a rock star. She leaned against a light post. Her fatigue and hunger giving her an excuse to assuage her curiosity.

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