The Sineau

General Background

The Sineau Kingdom is ruled by King Seamus, the kingdom consits of a traditional monarchy, with lords, nobels, and knights.


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Seamus is the King of the Sineaus. He is Ben's younger brother, their father Sebastian recentlly passed away and gave the thrown to Seamus. Seamus is a corrupt king who is secretly planning to have Ben murdered. Seamus's power is time traveling at the present moment he doesn't know about his power. The future 'Seamus' is sending knights back in time to the present, because they are stronger and more powerfull then the present knights. Seamus wants to re-gain controll of his kingdom from the Rats and take over the Skelts empire, with his new knight army.

Willow is Queen of the Sineau's married to Seamus. She is equally as coneiving and as devious as Seamus. She has no powers.

Lord Finnagen is leader over the king's knights. He is powerful and corrupt, just like his king. He is one of the best swordsman in the world next to Seamus and Max.

Lord Fitzgerald is loyal to the king and the kingdom. He is also January and Feburary's father.

Aidan is a knight sent by future 'Seamus' to the present day. He is a master knight and with more experiance he has the capability of being more powerful than Lord Finnagen and Seamus, though he is very loyal to the king. He has a power, but has not yet discovered what it is.

New Agers battling Skelts

Copyright(c) 2000 by J.B. and Jordan 1

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