Make your Window Run Faster    

Virtual Memory Settings
 Did you ever wonder what's with that big "win386.swp" file from your root/windows directory? That file is used for virtual memory. This way you can run more applications without getting worried about RAM. But that file is always resizing, sometimes is 10mb, after 5 minutes is 50mb and in the next 5 minutes it may go to 20mb. These resizing operations slow down a lot your system. A solution to this is to change the Virtual Memory Settings from Control Panel > System > Performance > Virtual Memory (go to Start, point to Settings, click on Control Panel, double-click on the System icon, go to the Performance tab and click on the Virtual Memory button). Select the "Let me specify my own virtual memory settings" option. The best way is to set the virtual memory twice your amount of RAM, so if you have 32Mb RAM you can user 64Mb, for 64Mb RAM I think is enough 80Mb, for 16Mb ram try 50MB. So after you decide about the amount of virtual memory, write it in the minimum AND in the maximum text label (minimum and maximum must be the same for best performance). If you use a lot of applications or playing big games you should use a bigger value. And also if you get the "Out of memory" error is recommended to put a bigger value there.
Delete Unwanted Files Every Time You Boot
 Are you tired of deleting your cookies/temporary directory every day because there's a lot of garbage? Put these lines in your autoexec.bat file to delete those files at every boot:
 Echo Y|If Exist C:\Windows\Tempor~1\*.* Del \Windows\Tempor~1\*.*
 Echo Y|If Exist C:\Windows\Recent\*.* Del C:\Windows\Recent\*.*
 Echo Y|If Exist C:\Windows\Temp\*.* Del C:\Windows\Temp\*.*
 Echo Y|If Exist C:\Windows\Cookies\*.* Del C:\Windows\Cookies\*.*

Customize the dir Command in DOS
 If you are using a lot the msdos prompt, then I think you are using the dir command too. And you have to use that big list of parameters so your dir result will be accurate. Put these line in autoexec.bat:  SET DIRCMD=/W /P /O:GNE, and every time you will use the dir command you will have the page break feature automatically, G will list the directories first, N places the files in alphabetical order and E will list files of the same in order by the extension.
Speed Up the Launch of Windows
 So, your system is booting too slow. Open the msdos.sys file from the root directory and look for a line like this: "Bootdelay=1" and change it to "Bootdelay=0". If you do not want to see that Win logo everytime you start the computer change the "Logo=1" line with "Logo=0"
Computer Role
 If your system has 16MB RAM or more, you can gain a bit more speed by changing your computer's role from Desktop Computer to Network Server. With the Desktop Computer Setting, VFAT allocates memory for the 32 most recently accessed folders and the 677 most recently accessed files, consuming approximately 10K of memory. When you use the Network Server setting, VFAT allocates memory to record the 64 most recently accessed folders and the 2729 most recently accessed files, consuming approximately 40K of memory. The additional 30K RAM is well worth it. To change the setting, right-click on the My Computer Icon. Click Properties then Performance and choose the File System tab.
 Go to 'Control Panel' and click 'Network'. Make sure you have 'Client for Microsoft Networks' to save trouble. If you don't have it this is why your Internet Dial-up Password wouldn't save. Click on 'Dial-Up Adapter' and select Advanced. Go to "IP Packet Size" and experiment with Small, Medium, and Large packets to see which one works best for you. Also there is a value in your registry called 'SLOWNET' and it is usually set at '01' change this to '00' It won't dramatically increase your transfers but it will reduce timeouts. The key is as follows:
 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Net\0001
 In dial-up networking make uncheck the 'Log on to Network' under Server Types. You can also get rid of the "NetBEUI" and "IPX/SPX".
View as Web Page
 If you are not using an HTML document on the desktop as background is best to deactivate this because it takes a lot of resources. So go to Control Panel > Display > Web item and uncheck "View my Active Desktop as a web page"
CD-ROM Cache
 Go to Control Panel > System > Performance > File system > CD-ROM. Move the slider from Supplemental cache size to Small and you will have now 1Mb more free memory

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