Submit Art

PLEASE READ THIS! Alright, due to my limited coding ability (as in I'm currently teaching myself php, so I cannot yet have you attach files to a form- this too will pass) submit is a three part process:
  1. You Copy and Paste (ctrl c, ctrl v- just in case you didn't know) the below information into an email and fill in the appropriate information. ATTACH YOUR WORK TO THIS EMAIL PLEASE! Send this email to [email protected] with the subject line- "Submit". (Or if you're lazy-and in the mood to reformat- click HERE and reformat to your heart's content)
  2. I receive your email and review your information. If I have any problems I will email you with questions. However, if you've done everything right (kudos!) I will send you a confirmation email that says I got what you sent me and it's going up on the site ASAP.
  3. I make a thumbnail of your picture. I add your artist/art link to the appropriate pages. Your work is up on the site! YAY! Your feedback will always be sent to you via the email address you supplied me with.

  1. Artist's Name and Valid Email Address:
  2. Art Title:
  3. Pairing(Gen art must include Neville):
  4. Rating(American Movie Ratings, please!):
  5. Notes:
  6. Any Extra Info:
Thank You!
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