The [H]ard Truth...
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Life is life, that's what it is. If it wasn't, it would have been called life. That's why it's called life. And it is our life. Life isn't just life. That's why it's called life... BLA BLA BLABLA BLA BLABLA BLA BLABLA BLA BLABLA BLA BLABLA BLA BLABLA BLA BLABLA BLA BLABLA BLA BLA. Insomma Tqallajt.

Din hi l-website tal-qamel tieghi li fiha tfajt xi mbarazz.

Chat Program:

Insomma awnekk andi c-chat tieghi li amilt jien bil-Java. Questions, comments, bugz, tghajjir, tqanzih jew semplicement m'andekx x'tamel. Ibat


Extract all files and then run program.bat
Links that don't suck:
[H]ard | OCP
Bawt me:
Name: Neville Grech
Email: [email protected]
You have an error. Click here for More. Muhahahaha
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