All about Me!
Well, what do you want to know?
My name's Lucy, also known as Nevfalathiel, Lucifer, Damianna, @}-'-,-, Twisted and, of course, the wandering loony. There's a few other name's I also go by, but I won't list them here or I'll be there for ever!
My birthday is on January 11th, gifts can be posted to... Hehe!

Book: Lord of the Rings/Ruins of Ambrai

Movie: (this lists really long, so I'll just put a few down...) Lord of the Rings, Star Wars (all of them), 10 Things I hate about You, and You've Got Mail (don't ask me why, I just really like that film!)

Band/Group: I like loads of different stuff, but my favourites are Meatloaf, Dire Straits, Travis, the Corrs...
Ok, I've taken most of these answer from one of those silly email questionnaires, hey, I'm lazy...

Fav colour...  Purple! or Pink of course!
Sunset/Sunrise... Sunset (rarely up in time for Sunrise!
Silver/Gold... Silver
Guys/Girls...  Hmm... I think I'll go with guys...
Music/TV...   Music
Summer/Winter... Neither, I like the Autumn :p
Night/Day...  Night
Hangin' out/Chillin'... Chilling, preferably with a large bottle of                              something mildly alcoholic
Dopey/Funny... Well, knowing my mates, dopey, but funny's                              better...
Love/Lust...  Love. It lasts, lust doesn't.
Fav CD...     Hmm. Haven't a clue, probably Meatloaf - Welcome to                    the Neighbourhood, or one of my very own cheesy                         mixes...
Phone/Face2Face... Preferably face to face, I like eye contact and                       to be able to see the person I'm talking to
Family/Friends... Family comes first, always. My friends are a very                    close second, but not quite top...
Best mates... Hmm... Emma, David, Sally. I can tell those three                          anything.
Enemies...   I don't waste my time with them
Star Sign...  Capricorn (reliable - snooze... hard working - yeah                          right... artistic - yeah, ok, I'll give you that one...)
Fav Car...    VW Beetle Cabriolet, preferably in a pale lilac! WIth                        flower decals!!! Return to the 70's!
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