Interview with Aarion Lee of Heterodox Roxx and Koaltion

NeverHead X:So what exactly is that status of Heterodox Roxx right now?

Aarion Lee: at the current time H/R is in a dormant state as far as a live band. Currently there is 3 Heterodox Roxx albums 2 are complete, one power metal album, one acoustic rock album, and 1 that is not finished yet but is a combination of both, power metal and acoustic rock. But the site is up and running and I still have more songs to be released to the mp3 site as well. Some more metal tunes as well as some acoustic songs as well. So the music will never die, that is as long as I'm alive and can still you can check out the site at: (website) (mp3 site)

NeverHead X:Are you looking for new band members?

Aarion Lee: I probably will in the future. You never really know. just right now I'm involved in another project at the present time. you can check out that project at: (website) (mp3 site)Working on that project and running 2 websites as well as 2 mp3 sites, and I have been recording alot latetly for the new project and really haven't had the time or the resources to even think about putting another band together at the moment.

NeverHead X:Who would you say are your influences?

Aarion Lee: there is different catigories there. as far as vocals I would say Elvis growing up. Then once I started getting into rock & metal I would have to lean towards Bruce Dickenson, Ronnie James Dio, Brad Delp, Ann Wilson, Rob Halford just to name a few. Guitar I would have to say Jimmy Hendrix, Randy Rhoads, Ron Letekro (T.N.T.), Rik Emmitt, just off the top of my head, there is so many guitar players that I have listened to thoughout the years its really hard to define any paticular one or style. As far as writer/composers I definetly would have to go with Ronnie James Dio, Steve Harris, and Bach

NeverHead X:Where exactly in Ohio are you?

Aarion Lee: Southeast Ohio along the river about 50 miles or so from Huntington, W.Va. Rutland is my hometown

NeverHead X:What is the future of Heterodox Roxx as you forsee it?

Not really for sure like I said before though. There will always be a Heterodox Roxx, be it a live band or promoting music over the net. but as far as a live band there could possibly be another one or maybe even a reunion between past members to form a new line-up. Only the future holds the key.

NeverHead X:Do you consider Hetereodox Roxx a metal band or as something that cannot be defined?

Aarion Lee: The live shows were metal, no acoustic stuff was played live. but as far as the site and the music on the site now. I would have to say something different. There is everything from classical symphony to acoustic rock, guitar rock, to power metal on the site. Alot of people refere my vocals and style of writing as old school. I write the way I write, and I sing the way I sing. how it comes out or precieved is something that is in the mind of each individual.

NeverHead X:Why is there such a strict motive of no cover songs?

Aarion Lee: The last Cover/original band that I was in, the bass player and I was going to make it an all original band but he got killed in a car wreck a week before our first gig, with that and the fact that I think you can't get anywhere playing other peoples songs why bother playing covers. A musicians skills are not defined by playing other peoples stuff it's defined of what is in their hearts and how it is expressed in their music

Neverhead X:Does Heterodox Roxx ever intend to play live again?

Aarion Lee: maybe

NeverHead X:What would you really like people to know about your project?

Aarion Lee: There is a little something for everyone on the site, pics of past gigs, poetry/lyrics, art work, band history, and most importantly the music. So stop by take a listen and let me know you stopped by, and keep coming back you never really know what to expect from

NeverHead X:Are you good friends with any other local metal bands?

Aarion Lee: I know alot of local musicians in and around the tristate area as well as world-wide.

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