Some Places to Get Information and Help

newest additions first
added 4 july 2002
The Gift of New York is a non-profit initiative that provides the families of those who died in the September 11th terrorist attacks with access, at no cost, to the full range of the New York area's theatrical, artistic, cultural, sports and live entertainment venues from the 2001 Holiday Season through the Spring of 2003.

The members of the New York area arts, entertainment and sports community are offering the families of those who lost their lives in the terrorist attacks 11 September 2001 tickets to many area shows, sporting events, and various other activities. It's hope a "day at the circus, a night on Broadway, or an outing to a ball gamed might help to affirm the joys of life and help restore some sense of 'normalcy." Information can be found on The Gift of New York's wesite.

added 31 january 2002
These are some of the most recent sites I came across with information relating to 11 September 2001, thanks to articles in last week's Newark Star Ledger's. Hope they can be of some help.

An article from the Newark Star Ledger talks about plans for the beautiful statue and Memorial Park to be built atop the Eagle Rock Resevation in West Orange as a memorial to the 45 Essex County (known) residents who lost their lives in the attack 11 September 2001.

Diaster Fund for the Children of New Jersey to provide immediate resources to children and their families who have been affected by the tragic events of September 11, 2001

I include this site mainly because The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner of New York is working with family groups, including: 911 WVFA, GIVE YOUR VOICE, and September's Mission in an outreach program to collect an initial DNA sample or additional DNA samples from the families of victims of the tragic events of September 11th.

This site is part of the NYC Government's site. The rest of the site includes information on a number of topics such as: Services Available to WTC Victims /Families, WTC Death Affidavit Forms/Information, Business and Employment Resources, Public Health Information. Transportation/ Utility Information, Federal Air Quality Reports for NYC, and Offering Help/Donations.

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is working in partnership with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Internal Revenue Service, and other Federal, state and local agencies are working together to help rebuild small businesses impacted by the recent terrorist attacks.

City of New York - includes up-to-date information on emergency relief efforts, transportation, and missing persons information.

New York State: World Trade Center Relief Fund - or you can call the donation hotline 800-801-8092.

created 11 september 2001
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