March 12, 2003

I thought I had lost Ollie today. Every work day I have the same
routine. Let Ollie out of his cage, give him his cats milk and go and do my hair and make-up. Now Ollie usually spends his time in the morning running around on and under the bed and playing with the hairdryer. This morning he didn't come running when I turned on the hairdryer, so I assumed he was up to his fuzzy butt in something else and finished my hair. I then finished my make-up. Still no sight of Ollie. So I called him, "Ollie, oh Ollie, where are you?", "Hey, fuzzbutt, where ARE YOU?".  Still no Ollie.

I go out to clean his cage. This usually gets Ollie's attention and he comes running. Still no Ollie. So I look under the lounge, under the bed, under the other lounge, all his favorite hiding spots, in his bed, the cupboard and chest of draws, even the fridge, the whole time calling his name. Still no Ollie.

By this stage I was running really late to work and decided that I would have to go, Ollie must just be having a really good sleep-in. So I opened the door of his cage and left him his breakfast, calling him one last time before I grabbed my bag and left, "Ollie, you great big huge fuzzbutt, COME HERE!". Still no Ollie.I threw my bag over my shoulder and left.

Now is about 20 minutes later and I'm trying to get my smokes out of my bag, while driving. I'm pulling and pulling, thinking what could they be stuck on? I got to the next set of lights and opened up my bag to check. There was my smokes and hanging on to them with all his might was Ollie.

I had packed my bag last night before bed and left it on the floor.
Ollie likes my bag, but he has never climbed in and stayed. Most of the time he just throws everything out and goes on his merry way.

But not this time, he must have jumped in after I let him out this
morning, only yo curl up in my bag and go back to sleep. Whether he did it on purpose or not, Ollie was now coming to work with me.

Visit Ollie at
Submitted by Danielle Dixon
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