What we live for sometimes is not what we live...

The day the hollowness fell
Collapsed down
Filled with its own emptiness
A bowl, waiting to be filled
By rain or snow
Something other then the cold wind



In your Company
I shouldn�t be jealous but I am 
Hints of you
Nothing solid� never to be
I wish to break into your shell 
I want to reach you
But our time is short 
Our situation is improbable
The chances are slim
And it makes me sad
I want you
The first person who makes me smile
You only need to walk in the room
I am uncertain
Something that doesn�t happen often
Smoke and mirrors is how we function
Truth hidden
Lies in play
You have someone back home 
I am certain
You are in pain
I am only a temporary salve
It makes me sad
But I will live as I do
Moment to moment
A piece of you is mine
For now
And what can I do
You�re irresistible to me
It happens
My heart breaks
The lack of emotion 
It hurts
But I can deal
For just a few more happy moments
In your company

Moments like this, you pull me close
Surprise me with your emotion
Moments like this, you touch my hair and back and arms
Love me, if only for a breath
Moments like this, it is shocking 
You and me, heartbeats synchronizing
Wrapped up in the early morning light
Sheets around us
Your breath on my neck and back
The soft touch of your lips
Your hands gentle and soft
Moments like this� 
I crave them, for they are rare

Honey Bear
You missed it
Somewhere along the line you missed 
The absence wasn�t the point
It was the response
The telling me that I am not
But its alright
This is nothing lasting
Its not forever
Things happen
We must let them pass
But thank you for the thought
It was with good intention
You must think I am�
Much younger
Much sillier then I really am
But you won�t let yourself see me

In Bed
I see you lying there� 
Resting restlessly
My thoughts are too loud
They keep you up at night
They keep me up at night
There is much comfort though
In laying next to you
In the act of it
Your breathing
Your heartbeat
There is life in them 
Life that I do not feel in myself
I could stay here with you forever
But it wouldn�t make you happy
Or I don�t think it would 
So I try not to become attached
So I can walk away
Like a thousand times before
You don�t like emotion
So I will spare you
And leave you lying there

Italian Stallion
Yeah, It looked like a horse bit my neck

Your forgotten mistress
Your lonely friend
You ignore their bantering
You ignore me
My presence gives you shivers
My presence gives you pain
Me and my wantings
Me and my incessant brain
It is not my fault I can�t get organized
It is not my fault you don�t feel
Questions hang in the air
Questions about where we are and were
What changed?
What are we?

People Joke
Everyone jokes that I exhaust you
They joke that it is my fault
But it is no joke
I don�t mean it
I can�t stop it
I wish you were strong enough 
To handle me
To handle emotions
You are everything I�ve wanted
But quirky in everyway that could ever keep you from me
We are too connected 
We are bad for each other 
We don�t like to talk about us
Or are too scared to� 
People joke that I exhaust you
I wish it was a joke

You say we are all connected in this
This grand thing called life
You�ve been here for thousands of years
Here you�ve stayed
Why I wonder?
You seem so tortured, so sad sometimes 
when you think no one is looking

Your Essence
I remember what you said to me
Every word, I can still feel
All I have to do is close my eyes
I�ll catch your scent on me days hours later
Feel your touch
Remember things
The difference in our skin
How soft and firm your hands can be
The way you look at me sometimes

Day Off
What a day
Woken up with a kiss
Well Rested
Hours of talking without a thought
No need to move from bed
Talking about old loves 
How to be the best
The rest of life
It was comforting

What a day
Going off to the store
Driving with music low
Content to talk
Childhoods and friends
Full baskets
The rest of life
Content to be

What a Day 
In the kitchen together
Sharing ingredients 
Trading recipes
Watching your hands at work
Happy memories made and shared
Taste tests
The rest of life
The day almost gone

Never in my life have I felt so 
Things change day to day
All I can do is be compassionate
All I can do is care
I can�t stop it
There are just some things
They require caring
It is almost a afterthought
Something that with what is happening can�t be helped
But even without
You are someone I am attracted to
It is amazing how that works

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