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"Thank You, Lord" - written on 2-16-04
Lord, I want to thank You,
      for everything I have now.
         I know I complain a lot,
            but it could be worse, somehow.
                It's very hard to be possitive,
                   when so much is on my plate.
                       But I pray that You help me,
                          and I never hesitate.
                              Knowing You, Lord Jesus,
                                  is the greatest gift of all.
                                     Nothing can replace you, God,
                                         You always catch me when I fall.
                                             I want to thank You,
                                                for everything, Lord.
                                                    Everything I have,
                                                        I should not be bored.
                                                            I have a roof over my head,
                                                       and I have clothes to wear.
                                                   I have food to eat, I feel bad,
                                              while little kids starve, it's so unfair.
                                          Thank You, Lord, for these days,
                                      thank You, in so many ways.
"You Make Me Dance"
        - written on 2/16/04
                     Lord on high, I love you father,
                         because you make me dance.
                      When I stumble and fall,
                   You give me that second chance.
                 Your love never changes,
              I put my faith in You.
           You make me dance, Lord,
         Your majestic ways, so true.
       When I am sad, I will shout,
    Your name always and forever.
  Because You are all I have,
that never fails, always to endeavor.
                                                                       Lord Jesus, You make me dance,
                                                                     thinking of Your power.
                                                                  You are so amazing,
                                                                causing the growth of every flower.
                                                             Those flowers are us,
                                                           and You help us to grow.
                                                        To You, Lord, only You,
                                                     I will forever bow.
                                                  I dance for You,
                                              for I know that's true.
" Your Love, So
       Forgiving" - written
                      on 2-17-04
Jesus, Your love, is always,
      to me,  so forgiving.
           It makes it so I look at,
               my life as it is worth living.
Lord, give me the words to say,
     I get stuck, at times.
        I sometimes find it hard,
           to find the right rhymes.
               But I know in my heart,
                  your love is forgiving forever.
                      With that in mind, I know,
                          God's love changing? Never.
                              His love is forever forgiving,
                                  I know, He tells me.
                                     The experience is,
                                         something that goes beyond
                                             what you see.
                                                   Lord, Your love is forgiving,
                                                       always comforting to the soul.
                                                          Lord, without Your love,
                                                             I could not be whole.
                                                                Your love, forgiving me so much,
                                                                    I relax, feeling your gentle touch.
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