Of Life in Gush Katif -
Scene 8
Gathering of Gush Katif people at the Kotel and dancing for a bride.

Tamar: "father, why are we walking to the Kotel?"

Father: tiredly "Honey, I just couldn't stay in the hotel another second.  The Kotel seemed a good place to go to.  I want to pray, to pour my heart out before Hashem."

Mother: "I wouldn't be surprised if we saw other people from the Gush at the Kotel.  No one will want to stay in the hotels for long, and the Kotel just seems to draw one to it � like a magnet."

Tamar: "We're there.  Looks up.  These old stones have gazed at many different people from different places all over the world.  But never before tonight have they gazed upon so many Jews thrown from their homes by Jews.  Look!  There's Rachel!
Tamar rushes over to Rachel and they hug each other.

Mother: "And there are the Hofmans!" points to them.

Father: "And there are the Cohens!"

Mother & Father: "I wonder what hotel they are staying in."
Mother, father, the Hofmans, the Cohens, Tamar and Rachel all gather together in a group.  They are all talking, smiling, crying�  More Gush Katif people arrive and join them.

Tamar: "Look!  A bride!"

Everyone: "A bride, a bride."

Mother: "What is she doing here all by herself and at night?"

Mrs. Cohen: "Maybe she's worried."

A Gush Katif person in the crowd: "Let's cheer her up.  It's a big mitzvah to make a bride happy!"

Another Gush Katif person in the Crowd: "Why not?  We've got time�"

Everyone: "Come on!"

The men dance around the bride who looks up and smiles, shy but happy.  The women clap their hands as they watch the men dance.  All the Gush Katif people are wearing orange shirts.  Wedding music in the background.

The End!
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