so you wanna know more?

N4m3//: MarY t., M. TizZle, Tiz, tIzzY, tZes, MaWee **reserved for dani**, fReAk, gOtH gUrl, plAstIc GlaSses, BaBy, sWeeTnEss.
7oc4ti0n//:teh 3nD of teh w0rLd...literally
mu5ic//:wow...this is broad...let's see ::sits, takes a deep breath:: mY Ch3mic4l rOm4nc3, sKill3t, Teh DisTillers, soulUshun, FloGGing MollY, SoUndGarDen, EmEry, NIN, A p3rf3ct Circl3, SuBlim3, teh whIt3 StRip3s, KiTty, w33z3r, Dav3 m4tth3w's b4nD, BliNdsiDe, UnderOatH, D3ftoN3s, Atr3yu, sIlv3rch4ir, NiRvaNa, Teh StReets, Teh PoStal S3rvice, Br34kIng BenJamin, hot HOT h3at, ReEl BiG fiSh, AuDioSlaVe, SmAshIng PuNpKinS, PiNk FlOyd, teh RaMonEs, tHirD EyE BLinD, StAind, AmEriCan ChoPstIcks *addison u roxorz lol*, LeSS thAn JaKe, gReeN dAy, tOOl, teh KiLLers, Teh Strok3s, InCubUs, DeMon HuNteR, EasT WesT, Zao, cAkE, BoNd, BrOk3n V3ss3ls, Be4tl3s, NOFX, r3d HoT cHili P3pp3rs, Sanctus R3al, SuPerChic[k], SySt3m Of a DoWn, Teh b3njamin G4t3, sUicIde MacHinEs, TOADIES!!!, cH3v3lle, hOrroRpoPs, JoHn MaYer,b3ck, MoBy, BjOrk, BuSh, teh SmIths, BlInk 182, CoLd, DaNE CooK lol, FiLter, FiNch, DoGwooD, Evanesence *oldschool only**, DJ dAngER MouS3, FoO FiGhtErs, GaRbaGe, No DoubT, GweN StEfanI, HoLe, Franz FerDinand, KiDs iN teh WaY, nOrMa jEaN, DaNNy ElFm4n...::out of breath...passes out on floor::
liK3z//:AmNeStY InTerNatIonal, HuMan RighTS, Mr. SpOck, tHoRns, old skOol bLaCk aNd WhItE HoRroR mOvieS, LoUd MuSic, my PrE-dIsposiTion to explosive BouTs of ViOleNce BrOughT oN bY tHe gEnEraL pUbLic, pOppIng BuBblE wRaP, CrIspIn gLover, sLeePiNg aLl DaY, mY MaKe-uP, my CloThes, my CaR, fAkE blOOd, waLkinG dOwn NaRRow AllEys wIth A LarGe UmbRella DuRing HiGh SpeEd winD advisories, tHe AddaMs family, lIly mUnsTer, CoFFee, ParaSols, InCenSe, HaLLoWeen, uSeD ReCord sTor3s, HeArses, CaNdlEs, BlAcK EyElIn3r, BLACK, period, and vAmpiRa.
dIsLik3z//:reSponsIbiliTy, pOlyEsTer, GoLf, fAt KidS, hOldIng HaNds and Long W4lKs oN tHe B3acH, CeReaL w/o SugAr, sWeAt PaNts, StATioN wAgons, SoCceR mOms, wHiTe WeDDiNg Dr3sseS, PuBliC sWimmIng PooLs...::shudders::, pOrK, DiRty HaNds, pInk, PeNneLL's LaTin cLass...or PeNNell for that matter, rasism, sExism, or sexual orienTaTion dIsCrimInaTion.
fr13nd5//:EdWaRd, BiZZy, LuMpi, cAleB, BrEl4nD, d3nT, DuStin, JaKE, GiGI, AmY, rAy, FlUffY, JuLia, StEvO, MiCheAl, JoDy, T.J., MiCheAL, KaTiE, rOsE, aNgeLa, KiMMi, DaNNy B., AmBs, ZaCkY, JeAnnA, ChRiStiAn, TaNika, TiFFaNy, EaRl, JuStIn, BeNtLey, cAsEy, nIck, bEn, GuY, MeAgaN, SHeiLa, PsYcHo, JaCob, iAn, ALEX!!!!!, fReD lol, GIRLPANTS!, matter how much of a childish bitch you are, i still love you, BrAdlEy, aDriAn, LaUreN n HeLen, ChEryl, all Of mY ChUck e. CheesE peeps, and My LoCal AmNestY gRoup.
m4yb3 0n3 d4y//:
Maybe one day i'll decide what i want to do w/ my life.
Maybe one day i'll be a surgeon, or psychologist or lawyer.
Maybe one day i'll be on stage, rocking out, giving the kids at my shows the inspiration to live life to it's fullest.
Maybe one day i'll grow up.
Maybe one day i'll stop nagging ed a/b his facial hair.
Maybe one day i'll stop smoking.
Maybe one day i'll stop procrastinating...or maybe i'll just do that one later.
Maybe one day i'll be able to go out dressed like i want, and not be given mean looks.
Maybe one day people will see me for who i am and not just the way i look.
Maybe one day i'll become better than what you expected.
Maybe one day you'll be comfortable w/ me just being me.
Maybe...One day...
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