Video   +   Pictures   +   Music   +   Voice over   +   computer graphics   =    A Video Resume   .......   Simple  .......


A Honest Video Productions can take Video, Pictures, music, a voice over, computer graphics, and anything else you know will tell your story and edit them together to make a professional Video Resume, viewable on the web, on business card size CD Roms, DVD's or Regular VHS tape.









   By clicking on the image to the left you can see a real life example, my video Resume, which describes what I have to offer.














                 Video Resume on a  Business card size CD Rom or DVD


Business card size CD Rom, orDVD, playable in most DVD players or Computers.



CD or DVD can play just like regular DVD or CD ROMS.

It fits in many computer CD slots just like a CD, but is the size of a business card.

Once placed in the computer it plays automatically. Menus can be created to hold the video and one for links, and text files like your print resume.

Click  here  to see a larger picture of the CD Rom business card.  












                             Internet Video Resume 


I can make the "Video Resume" viewable from your web page. Or I can create a web page for you with a customized message, links to your home page and print resume. The video can also be submitted to various Job sites that allow Video Resumes.













                            Video Resume


You can send out a Video Resume e-mail that allows a person to view your video resume. From the same e-mail they can read a message from you, click on pre-selected links to your home page or print resume. They can respond to you via e-mail or  forward the Video Resume E-mail to someone else. For  more information on Video-Email click here.

To see a example click here



















VHS Video Resume



Your Video Resume can be placed onto VHS tape which plays on VCR's


Post Video Resume  on Job Search sites.

Many Job search sites are now allowing you to post your video resume to the web. At the very least you can post your written resume on Job sites and include a internet address where they can go to view your Video Resume.


All Video Resumes can have custom covers to hold the tape, CD ROM/DVD or VHS tape, with your picture and a visual graphic that is sharp and clean.











To whom it may concern,

All Video Resume's are made by me and the guarantee is that each one will be done intuitively with Patience, Honesty and Respect. To gain an understanding of how I do business, you can view my Video Resume by clicking here.

Ryan Wolfington


















  For more information call Ryan at 702-822-1081, or email at [email protected] .




                                  A Honest Video Home Page         Video Production Products and Services        

                                                                   DVD Video        CD ROM Video        Web Video

                                                                                Contact Information         E-mail me

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