ATA Xtreme
Master Edel's Nevada ATA Black Belt Academy does not offer XMA or ATA Xtreme at this time.

Mike Chat

Straight out of the jungles of Southern Thailand, Michael Chaturantabut (aka Mike Chat) pioneered �extreme martial arts� by giving traditional martial arts a gymnastic twist � combining both incredible strength and showmanship. He is often referred to as the �Tony Hawk� of martial arts due to his contributions in revolutionizing the sport. Chat trained under Master John Sharkey Jr., President of the American Karate Association and is a 4th Degree Black Belt in Okinawan Shorei-Ryu. He has more than 18 years of martial arts experience, 13 years of national and international competition experience, 10 years of teaching experience and 8 years of coaching experience. In 1990, 1991, 1992 and 1993, Chat won the A.K.A. (American Karate Association) �Competitor Of The Year� award and is the only competitor to win four years in a row. Chat is also well versed in Tae Kwon Do, Chinese Wushu, kickboxing, dance, ballet, acrobatics and gymnastics.

Mike Chat is one of the most prolific and versatile Gen-Xer�s today. Representing the new wave �Kung-Fu,� he has acquired national and international acclaim for his innovative martial arts skills and performances. Combining traditional Okinawan Shorei-Ryu, Tae Kwon Do, Chinese Wushu, Kickboxing, dance, ballet, and acrobatics, Chat was inducted into the World Martial Arts Hall of Fame in 1992, and has won more than 50 National and International Forms and Weapons Championships. He is a four-time World Forms and Weapons Champion and five-time North American Forms and Weapons Champion.

ATA Xtreme

Performance martial arts, the ATA Xtreme, is the latest addition to the ATA's arsenal of martial arts training systems. In conjunction with Mike Chat's XMA Association, the ATA offers a legally franchised version of the XMA, based on Songahm taekwondo techniques. Xtreme Martial Arts has created a global following, and only licensed martial arts schools can teach you the XMA system.
The Xtreme system is a full curriculum of empty hand and weapon forms designed to provide excitement for both audience and performer. Even though the ATA Xtreme is still in it's infancy, the forms and weapons have started becoming an integral part of our ATA competitions across the country.
The ATA XTREME program is available to students involved in our Elite Programs i.e., Black Belt Club, Master Club & Leadership.
Who knows, the next time Hollywood comes looking for that next high energy martial artist, it could be you.

(See the article "
ATA Member Chosen for Jackie Chan Movie")

Read a Black Belt magazine interview with Mike Chat about the XMA
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