Board Breaking
Students in the ATA break boards to demonstrate how well they have learned to generate power.
Except in special circumstances, under an instructors supervision, students lower in rank than purple do not break boards. This means that the average ATA student has studied the application of proper technique for over a year before being allowed to attempt board breaks.
Board breaks for testing at purple belt involve hand techniques. The student has a choice of three different strikes with their hand that they may use.
At blue belt testing, the student moves on to breaking with a kick. There are three different kicks that the student may choose from.
Master Edel allows purple and blue belt students to "pretest" their board breaks. This allows the new board breaker to concentrate on technique without the added pressure of an audience.
Brown belts and higher must do multiple stations, usually having a combination of strikes and kicks.
Students are allowed up to three attempts to break each board. A break on the first atempt earns the student a perfect score of 90. Second attempt is an 80 and anything after that is a 70.
~Breaking choices by rank

~Required boards by age

~How to set up boards for breaking

~Asking permission to break

~Keys to successful breaking
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