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  Copyright © CPC-X Software, 1997-2005  

(Last Update: May 22, 2005)  




  Nonlinear Regression

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Screen Shots of NeuralPower

1: Visual connection editor allow you to create network structure of your self


2: Six most-often used transfer functions. Custom definition give you utmosts possibility to extend your specific transfer functions

ansfer functions

3: Training process is really visible and fully controlled by customs.

Training process

4: Demo of application results on water quality simulation

application results

5: Demo of application results on one and two spirals problem

application results

application results

6: Rainfall-runoff simulation: time series application


7: Automatically Curve fit with over thirty functions

Curve fit

8: Easy draw 2D-3D function charts

2D-3D function charts

9: Excel-style data file editor powered by script languages


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