About Me:
My name is Bill Grinnell and I live in Seattle, Washington, USA.  I am a descendant of Michael Friedrich Voge.  His son Fritz Gottlieb Voge was my great grandfather, and Fritz's daughter Bertha Alice Voge was my
grandmother.  Michael Friedrich and Fritz came from Konraden in
Kreis Arnswalde.  They came to America in 1874.  Bertha was born in America.

I do not speak German.  The Introductory page and the Research Main Page were translated for me by Udo Fingerhut of Solingen Germany.
The remaining pages were translated by computer.  Please forgive the many gramatical errors.  Udo's family also came from Konraden, so
he is my closest known relative in Germany.  Sadly, they do not know
any infromation about my family.

I began this project in the Fall of 1999 after a trip to Minnesota where my Voge family originated.  I have collected close to 1000 pictures of my Voge family and have gathered updated information on every descendant of Michael Friedrich Voge, which is a rare accomplishment.
I am trying very hard to determine where my ancestor links to the overall Voge family from Kreis Arnswalde.

I received Bachelor's degrees from the University of Washington in
Seattle in 1995.  I have one degree in History (specializing in American history) and another degree in Drama.  I have more than double the credit requirements for my degree in Drama.  My teacher was Dr. Christiana Taylor, mother to actor Alexis Denisoff, star of the former American television program "Angel".  My High School classmate John Requa is the screenwriter of the Hollywood films "Cats and Dogs" 
"Bad Santa" and the upcoming remake of the "Bad News Bears." 
Actor Jim Caviezel, star of "The Passion of the Christ" attended the Catholic High school just eight blocks north of my and John Requa's High school.  I do not know Mr. Cavielzel and have never met him, though I am positive that I saw him play basketball in our high school gym when his school played against mine, though I do not remember him I know we were obviously both there.

My ambition is to write and direct films.  I have written and directed several amateur short films, two amateur feature films, and one semi-professional feature film.  I am currently working on a new short film project which will be my entry into professional filmmaking.  My directing influences include Todd Haynes "Safe," Lars Von Trier's "Breaking the Waves,"  Alan Rudolph's "Choose Me," and the collected works of Milos Forman, Paul Thomas Anderson, Richard Linklater and Alexander Payne.  Some of my favorite films are Orson Welles "Citizen Kane" "Choose Me"  Roman Polanski's "Chinatown"  Steven Spielberg's "Jaws"  Abel Gance's "Napoleon"  and Franklin Schaffner's "Planet of the Apes"
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