Landssjodur Islands
50 Kronur
Size      95x149 mm
Colour  Grey-blue and yellow
Face     Frederik VII
Back     Female personification of Iceland.
Design  Gerhard Heilmann
Printing H.H. Thiele. Copenhagen
First notes in circulation 25. july. 1907. First name printed second name signed by hand.
Hannes Hafstein / Kristj�n J�nsson
Hannes Hafstein / Tryggvi Gunnarsson
Hannes Hafstein / Bj�rn Kristj�nsson
Hannes Hafstein / J�n Gunnarsson
Hannes Hafstein / Oddur G�slason
Hannes Hafstein / Bj�rn Sigur�sson
Hannes Hafstein / J�n �lafsson
Hannes Hafstein / Vilhj�lmur Briem
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