Landssjodur Islands
10 Kronur
Size      105x160 mm
Colour  Blue
Face     Christian IX
Back     Blank
Design  Henrik Olrik.
Printing H.H. Thiele. Copenhagen
Under a law passed 18. sept 1885 the National Tresury was able to issue notes in its own name. First notes appered in circulation on 6. july 1886. At first the notes were signed by hand. But around 1900 the name of landshofdingi was printed.  It is intresting that Denamark has never issued banknotes with pictures of its monarc. Only Iceland and Danish West Indies have done so.
Magn�s Stephensen / L�rus Sveinbj�rnsson
Magn�s Stephensen / Eir�kur Briem
Magn�s Stephensen / Benedikt Kristj�nsson
Magn�s Stephensen / Kristj�n J�nsson
Magn�s Stephensen / Halld�r J�nsson
Magn�s Stephensen / �lafur Fr. Dav��sson
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