LM324 based Infrared Receiver for Motor Control:
Below is a schematic of the infrared receiver that can be used to control two DC
motors in a self controlled (autonomous) robot. Used in conjunction with any infrared
transmiting LED this circuit can be an obstacle detection and avoidance circuit.
The range when using the same components as in the parts list for this circuit is
about 10 inches(White surface) when using reflected IR from a single IR transmitting diode.
                 ( Parts list is at the bottom of the page)
Parts List:
R1, R3, R5, R7   1Meg Ohm 1/4 Watt Resistors
R2, R6                100 K  1/4 Watt Resistors
R4, R8                330 Ohm 1/4 Watt Resistors
Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4      2N3904 NPN  TO92 Transistors
IRR                    Infrared Transistors SY-54PTR (RS 276-145)
K1, K2                Miniature DPDT Relays ( Omron G5B-2 )
U1a-b                  LM324 Quad Operational Amplifier IC
M1 and M2 are any small DC motors rated for 3 amps Max.
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