Infrared Transmitter:
Parts List:
R1         10 K  1/4 Watt  Resistor
R2           1 K  1/4 Watt  Resistor
R3          330 Ohm  1/4  Watt  Resistor
R4          100 Ohm  1/4  Watt  Resistor
C1          10 UF  Electrolytic Capacitor
C2          0.1 UF  Ceramic Capacitor
C3          10 UF   Electrolytic Capacitor
U1           555 Osc/Timer  IC
Q1          MPS2709 NPN  Transistor
Q2           2N3904   NPN  Transistor
IRD         Infrared Transmitting LEDs

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This Infrared transmitter uses a 555 running in its usual astable mode as the pulse
source . Q1 and Q2 connected in the familiar darlington configuration boosts the
pulse from the 555 to increase the infrared output from the IRDs.
  This circuit can be used in conjunction with the infrared receivers when used
as a proximity detector.
( Parts List at the bottom of page)
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