The Navi Customizer is a very helpful tool.It will allow you to customize your navi.Giving it special attacks,Skills and Stat upgrades.You can only have 3 of the each colors available in this rpg and they must all fit into the memory space of that slot.White will grant you stat upgrades,Yellow will give you skills and red will give you attacks.The extra programs will be in your inventory.To switch make a post on your board called navi cust and always reply to that post.
White Programs
1.HP+ 100-2,000$-2MB
5.+10 Power-20,000$-10Mb
6.+100 Speed-10,000-6 Mb
Red Programs
(Can be used once a battle)
1.(You make up the name)-Dmg:250-3,000$-1Mb

2.(You make up the name)-Dmg:300-5,000$-2Mb

3.(You make up the name)-Dmg500-10,000-3Mb
Yellow Programs
1.First Attack-Attack First-10,000$-3Mb

2.Super Speed-You get 2 extra dodges-12,000$-4Mb

3.Esc.-Before you are deleted you can quickly store memory which means you wont be deleted.Once a month you can do this..-10,000-3Mb

4.ShadowSly.bat-You get 2 extra counters-12,000-5Mb
The Navi Customizer
$ 5,000
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