.Information file for new #IWWF Users. 1st Step: Registration. In order to register you must private message Refbot and register with a selected password of your choose, you must remember that password to identify to Refbot in the future. To register type: /msg Refbot !Register . 2nd Step: Get the Moves List. After Refbot has wrote you that you have successfully registered, you need to get the Moves.txt file (This is a text file that contains all the possible moves, you'll need this if you want to play). To get the Moves.txt file type: /msg #IWWF !popups Then when asked, accept the text file and save it in your mirc directory in a folder called 'Download'. 3rd Step: Upload The Moves List. When finished downloading the file, upload it. Type: //load -rs download\moves.txt Now when you'll right click your mouse on the channel #IWWF you'll have a new option called 'Wrestling Moves', those are possible moves in this game. Some moves are for certain matches (i.e Table Match, Barbed Wire Match, Ladder Match, Cage Match), all the others are for all the matches not included the ones I've just written. Some background for the game: The game's concept is exactly as WWE's (World Wrestling Entertainment), on matches such as Regular/Hardcore/IronMan/Survivor Series, you need to beat your opponent by a Pin Fall (Wrestling Moves -=> Pins) or by Submission (Wrestling Moves -=> Regular/Special Submissions). You can try and Pin Fall someone when his health is under 10 (It's not recommended to try and Pin Fall someone that has more health then you), or by Submission that can be done when your opponent has been knocked down and his health is under 70 (This move can be reversed, if someone locked a submission on you, Refbot will start to count from 1 to 10, when he gets to 10 you'll automatically tap out and the faster you type /me SLIPS the less Submission Health he'll decrease). The target in the match is to hit your opponent, beat the hell out of him using Moves from the list, Submissions or any other possible way and win. A win gets you points, and you might even win a title! Identify: To make it hard for other people to use your wrestler nickname refbot has a identification database that requires you to re-identify when you change nicks, disconnect, or part #iwwf. Syntax: (Using your wrestler's nickname you registered with) /msg refbot !identify (password you used when registering) Forgot pass?: Sometimes users forgot their password. Therefore refbot has a forgot password system which memo's your password to the owner who will determine if you're really the wrestler you say you are or someone lying just to get your password. It may take 24 hours or less for you to recover your password using this feature. Syntax: /msg refbot !Forgotpass Health: To check your and your opponent's current health, type: /msg #IWWF !h. The health will appear in this way: Health: RonYeo R:(100[3]) S:(60[3]) Maaki-N R:(100[3]) S:(60[3]) Near RonYeo and Maaki's nick there's an R, The R stands for Regular Health (In this case the (100) is the Regular health, and the [3] are the possible Finishers left for each opponent). The S stands for Submission Health (When the Submission health is 0 or below, your opponent will tap out). When your opponent's health is between these ranges, the following moves are possible: 100 and below: Striking 90 and below: Small Moves. 85 and below: Small-Medium Moves. 80 and below: Medium Moves. 75 and below: Medium Large Moves. Under 70: Weapons & Submissions. *Weapons could get you disqualified in a Regular match and you'll lose the match. *Submissions can be done when your opponent has been knocked down, for example: PIXELMIXER has been knocked down! RonYeo make another move now! *RonYeo grabs his opponent's legs, locking in the sharpshooter RonYeo has locked in a submission on PIXELMIXER! 65 and Below: Large Moves. 35 and Below: Finishers (Every opponent has 3 finishers for each match). 10 and Below: Pins. Bigger moves will decrease more health from your opponent then smaller moves. Each opponent has 3 Finishers for each match, and 3 Special Submissions that unlike the Regular Submissions they'll decrease more Submission Health. Obviously, all moves might get reversed, or your opponent might avoid them. Bleed: When you or your opponent are busted open and start to bleed, you might lose more points then just a regular move because your bleeding. Using weapons might get your opponent to bleed and then he could lose both Regular and Submission Health for bleeding. Possible matches: Regular Match: Win: By Pin Fall or Submission. Moves Allowed: Small/Small-Medium/Medium/Medium-Large/Large Moves/Finishers/Regular/Special Submission Moves. Not Allowed: Weapons. Using Weapons could get you disqualified and cost you the match. HardCore Match: Win: By Pin Fall or Submission. Moves Allowed: Small/Small-Medium/Medium/Medium-Large/Large Moves/Finishers/Regular/Special Submission Moves. Not Allowed: None. Everything is allowed Ironman Match: Moves Allowed: Everything Not Allowed: None. Everything is allowed Win: wrestler with most victories when the time limit expires wins Table Match: In this match, another feature is available; Wrestling Moves-Table Match. The target in this match is pulling a move on your opponent through the table. In order to do that, you need first to get a table, set it up and then nail the move on your opponent through the table. To get the table and set it, you need your opponent to be knocked down. It's also recommended not to try and pull a move through the table when your health is lower then your opponent's. Win: By pulling a move on your opponent through the table. Moves Allowed: Everything but Submissions and Pin Falls. Cage Match: Just like the real WWE Cage match. Special feature: Wrestling Moves-Cage Match. You must win the game by climbing on the cage, and climbing down the other side of the cage. You can start climbing only when your opponent is knocked down. Moves Allowed: Everything but Submissions and Pin Falls. Ladder Match: The ladder can be used as a weapon and is also the key to win this game. When your opponent is knocked down you can try and get the Ladder. Special feature: Wrestling Moves-Ladder Match. If you want to win the match, you need to place the ladder in the middle of the ring, then climb until you get to the top, grab the briefcase or the title and unhook it. Moves Allowed: Everything but Submissions and Pin Falls. BarbedWire: BarbedWire is a type of a hardcore match. Special Feature: Wrestling Moves-BarbedWire Match. If you whip someone on the barbedwire and drag his face, he'll bleed and so you'll decrease more power from his health then a regular move. Moves Allowed: Everything. Win: Submission or Pin Fall. Royal Rumble: Royal Rumble is a type of Elimination match. Special Feature: /me throws his opponent over the top ropes to eliminate him Your opponent has to be down before you can eliminate him. Once everyone has Been eliminated, whoever is left wins. Moves Allowed: Everything except pins or submissions Win: Eliminate everyone via throwing them over the top rope Survivor Series: Survivor Series is a type of a TagTeam match. Special Feature: !Tag Survivor Series allows you to team with 3 other wrestler and fight 4 other wrestlers In a 8-man tagteam match. Moves Allowed: Everything. Win: Eliminate everyone on the other team via Submission or Pin Fall. Special options: Whip your opponent into the ropes: Gives you a better chance of a knockdown and decreases a little energy if the move followed by the successful whip is successful as well. Syntax: /describe #iwwf whips Whip your opponent into the referee: This feature allows you to knock the referee down where he won't be able to count Pin Falls, Submission Falls, or DQs . Sometimes the referee may not get knocked down or may not be knocked down for a long and might get up in time to check a pin/submission/dq so becareful. To revive the referee read "Wake Ref" listed below. Syntax: /describe #iwwf whips referee Taunt: Allows you to be able to try an increase your health. Sometimes the crowd will give negative replies to your taunt and your health will get decreased. Taunt can only be used in matches that have the crowd option turned on. Syntax: /describe #iwwf Taunts Wake Referee: If the referee is knocked down you can try an revive him. Sometimes the referee will wake up on his own without anyone trying to wake him. Syntax: /describe #iwwf Wakes Referee Escape Submission: Allows you to escape a submission your opponent uses on you or if your submission move gets reversed. The longer you're in the submission move the more health you lose. Syntax: /describe #iwwf slips OR /describe #iwwf grabs ropes Shove Referee Down: Like the /describe #iwwf Whips Referee move you can also shove the referee down so he can't check Pins/Submissions/DQs. Becareful, this move can get you DQ'd and you will lose the match. If the referee doesn't get knocked down he may warn you or shove you back. If he shoves you back you won't lose any health, if he warns you then the next failed shove attempt will get you DQ'd. If you successfully shove the referee down, and he remembers who shoved him down then he will DQ you and you lose the match. This move is not recommended. Syntax: /describe #iwwf shoves referee Interference: Interference was added to refbot to give wrestlers a chance to try an help a friend out or make a enemy lose. Interference is 100% random so it doesn't work all the time. To use this feature you must have the user you want to attack/help on your ally/enemy list. You can only attack users on your enemy list and can only help users on your ally list. Syntax to add ally: /msg refbot !BioAdd Ally1 (to add more than 1 ally, simply change ally1 to ally2 or ally3.) Syntax to add enemy: /msg refbot !BioAdd Enemy1 (to add more than 1 enemy, simply change enemy1 to enemy2 or enemy3.) After adding a user to your ally/enemy list you can now attack/help that user. Use Positive to help users and use Negative to attack them. Syntax: /msg refbot !Interfere Example: /msg refbot !Interfere Mintzs Positive (This will cause you to interfere and help Mintzs) /msg refbot !Interfere Mintzs Negative (This will cause you to interfere and attack Mintzs Personal Moves: Finisher Set: You can set your own personal finisher move. ANYTHING you want it to be. Personal Finisher allows you to be creative and make the game more fun. Example: /msg refbot !Finisher set T-Bomb Syntax: /msg refbot !Finisher set Finisher Check: You can check your personal finisher move. (incase you forgot it) Syntax: /msg refbot !Finisher check Trademark Set: You can set your own personal trademark move. ANYTHING you want it to be. Personal trademark allows you to be creative and make the game more fun. Example: /msg refbot !Trademark set T-Slam Syntax: /msg refbot !Trademark set Trademark Check: You can check your personal trademark move. (incase you forgot it) Syntax: /msg refbot !Trademark check Weapon Set: You can set your own personal weapon move. ANYTHING you want it to be. Personal weapon allows you to be creative and make the game more fun. Example: /msg refbot !Weapon set Title Belt Syntax: /msg refbot !Weapon set Weapon Check: You can check your personal weapon move. (incase you forgot it) Syntax: /msg refbot !Weapon check Submission Set: You can set your own personal submission move. ANYTHING you want it to be. Personal submission allows you to be creative and make the game more fun. Example: /msg refbot !Submission set Canadian Crab Syntax: /msg refbot !Submission set Submission Check: You can check your personal submission move. (incase you forgot it) Syntax: /msg refbot !Submission check Entrances: You can set your own entrance that will be shown at the beginning of every match you're in. There is 2 types of entrances, one is regular which means when you're wrestling in matches without a partner. The other is called Tag Entrance which means when you and your partner fight 2 other people (or one person in a 2on1 match) your tag entrance will be used instead of regular(single) entrance. Syntax for Regular: !Entrance Regular (Hold Control and Press K, then select a number(colour)) Syntax for Tag: !Entrance Tag (Hold Control and Press K, then select a number(colour)) Entrance Examples: !Entrance Regular 4 *my music plays* as Jobber-X comes to the ring in blue tights !Entrance Tag 4 *team-dx's music plays* as X and J comes to the ring in blue tights User Access Levels: There are 4 user levels; Wrestler, Voice, Manager, & Master. Your level determines how much "power" you have. Wrestler: Nothing! Voice: Start matches, Stop matches Manager: Start matches, stop matches, change Voice and Wrestler's user level (can't make manager/masters) Master: Access to do anything/everything! Starting/Stopping Matches. To Start or stop a match you must have a user level higher than wrestler. All wrestlers in the match must agree to it for it to be legal else you risk loss of voice-manager and points deduction. Same Applies to stopping matches, if you're not in the match and both wrestlers are active then don't stop it. If you're in the match and want to stop then ask your opponent(s) if it is ok to stop, failure to not ask or stopping if your opponent(s) says don't may result in loss of voice-manager and points deduction. If a wrestler gets disconnected and doesn't return then it is OK to stop the match. To start a match use the "Match Syntax" listed below, certain matches use different syntaxes so check the "Examples" if you are unsure on how to start a certain match. Finally, you can stop matches using the following command: /msg #iwwf !Stop Match Syntax: !match crowd/(on, off) (title, none) (title, none) (nonpoints, leave blank) Examples: !match regular 1on1 Maaki AutoWrestle crowd/off none none !match hardcore BarbedWire Maaki AutoWrestle crowd/on none none nonpoints !match hardcore FirstBlood Maaki AutoWrestle crowd/off none TV !match Table Elimination 3 Maaki AutoWrestle Comatosis crowd/off none TV - 3way !match Table Elimination 4 Maaki AutoWrestle Fred sobe crowd/off none TV - 4way !match KO 2on1 Maaki AutoWrestle Comatosis crowd/off none none - Maaki and AutoWrestle -vs- Comatosis !match hardcore 6ManTagTeam Donald Mintzs Tripp Shen_DuHBK Pixelmixer weezer crowd/off - Tripp, Donald, and Mintzs -VS- Shen_DuHBK, pixelmixer, and weezer !match hardcore TagTeamElim Donald Mintzs pixelmixer weezer crowd/off none tagteam - Donald and Mintzs -VS- pixelmixer, and weezer for the tagteam title in a Elimination match. You have to Eliminate both wrestler on the other team to win. !match RoyalRumble - then type !Join when refbot asks you to. 4 people must join or refbot will cancel the match. !match SurvivorSeries JoshHeartbrand Donald Tripp Rob- Mintzs Shen_DuHBK pixelmixer weezer crowd/on - Joshheartbrand, Donald, Tripp, and Rob -VS- Shen_DuHBK, pixelmixer, Mintzs, and weezer. Rankings: Every wrestler that has had at least 5 matches is ranked and able to wrestle for points. Your rank determines which title you can wrestle for. The rankings are split into 5 divisions depending on the number of rankings. Another way to check your Titles-in-reach or rank would be to type: /msg #iwwf !stats Example: This is an example of how it would be if their was ONLY 45 ranked wrestlers. Ranked 1st-9th: ALL Titles Ranked 10st-18th: IRC, Hardcore, National, TV, TagTeam Ranked 19st-27th: Hardcore, National, TV, TagTeam Ranked 28st-36th: National, TV, TagTeam Ranked 37st-45th: TV, TagTeam Titles: Like most wrestling games you have the option of winning championship title belts. You can only go for titles in your division (Check "Titles-in-Reach" in your !stats profile). The champion must accept your challenge for the title match to be legal. Champions have 3 days to defend their title or it becomes vacant (only exception is the tag titles). Syntax: /msg #iwwf !Titles Title Format: Title Name(Champion/Last Defense Date/Number of Defenses) Example: IWWF(JoshHeartbrand/Mar 10/5) Titles Available: IWWF, TagTeam, IRC, Hardcore, National, and TV Stats: The stats feature is to help you or another wrestler check your wins, losses, rank, number of points, numbers of matches, titles-in-reach, titles currently holding, user level, and if you're identified or not. You can also get stats on who holds a certain rank Syntax: /msg #iwwf !stats /msg #iwwf !stats /msg #iwwf !stats Example: Stats On: pixelmixer. Wins[146/63.76%] Losses[83/36.24%] Total[229] Rank[1/44] Points[945] Streak[1win(10w/5l)] Identified[No] Level[Manager] Division[IWWF] Titles[none] Titles-In-Reach[ALL] Pixelmixer stats show that he has 146 wins (63.76 win percent), 83 losses (36.24 loss percent), had a total of 229 matches, ranked 1 out of 44 ranked wrestlers, 945 points, current streak is 1 win (record win streak is 10 wins, record lose streak is 5 losses), he is not identified, he has the user level Manager, He is in the IWWF Division, he currently holds NO titles, and can wrestle for all titles. Points System: When you register and have had at least 5 matches you will be given points you will be able to wrestle with/for. If you win, you will get points depending on the rank of you and you're opponent(s). If you lose, you will lose points depending on the rank of you and your opponent(s). To see how much points you will win or lose before a match, you can use the following syntax. Syntax: /msg #iwwf !Points Example: /msg #iwwf !Points Tripp Pixelmixer - This would show how much points Tripp would win if he won a match between him and pixelmixer. /msg #iwwf !Points Pixelmixer Tripp - This would show how much points Tripp would lose if he lost a match between him and pixelmixer. User Bio: There is a section on www.iwwf.co.uk for wrestler's bios. It shows your stats, title history, and a few other things. You're not required to have a bio, it is just a cool feature for you (the valued user) to have available. You can edit the following categories for your bio: BioLine1, BioLine2, BioLine3, BioLine4, PersonalAchievementsLine1, PersonalAchievementsLine2, Age, Song, Height, Weight, Hometown, Nationality, TagTeam, Stable, Alignment, Joined, FavouriteMatch, WorstMatch, Quote, NameDisplay, Enemy1, Enemy2, Enemy3, Ally1, Ally2, Ally3. Syntax: /msg refbot !BioAdd . /msg refbot !BioDelete . /msg refbot !BioCheck . Example: /msg refbot !Bioadd Age 22 /msg refbot !Biodelete Age /msg refbot !Biocheck Age - You do not have to edit all categories, just the ones you want. Josh Heartbrand's bio is a perfect example of a excellent Bio. Visit: to view more bios. Well, That should be everything about refbot and iwwf you need to know and learn to be successful in iwwf. Good Luck and Thank You for choosing IWWF as your I-Wrestling Federation! #iwwf on irc.dal.net, www.iwwf.co.uk Created by unreleased and Saviola