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March 20, 2002

Our site selections this week, dear friends, will lead you to wonder where all this creativity has been stored prior to the advent of the internet. Or, at least you may be somewhat curious where these people get the time to pursue such truly useless endeavors. We've got everything from the mildly interesting to the incredibly bizarre for you this week in Net Hot Spots.

Let's start off with a bang with "The First Human Male Pregnancy" site ( Set up like a real medical condition, our new "mother" is displayed in all his glory with supporting articles, a faked Time Magazine cover proclaiming him 'Man Of The Year' (no, really), quoted responses from around the globe and, get this, EKGs, Ultrasounds and other vital signs thrown in for good measure. I didn't have the time to find out how our patient's condition came in to being, (In the usual fashion? But what's usual?) and I'm quite sure I'd rather stay blissfully ignorant of those details.

I can't for the life of me understand what the fascination with death is on the web, but, here, again, is another offering. This time we have "The 2002 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool" ( where one is encouraged to submit the names of those who, you believe, will bite the dust in the coming year for prize money in the amount of $2002. I think we're too late to join in this years festivities, however, there appears to be a lesser contest in which one can go after the $1000 prize. As for the big event, I notice that 'quincy_3' seems to be in the lead with 2 stiffs & 13 points. To each, his own.

Next up, say you're running late trying to take every advantage of that extra second before you simply must get out of bed and go to work when you realize the seemingly simple math you've been applying to your fail-safe-system of setting the clock fast was off by, oh, an hour or two, and now, only the best excuse will do. Never fear, is here! Yes, now you too can use those beautifully elaborate embellishments you thought only the truly rich and famous could construct. For problems at work, home and play, you now have only the best and brightest exaggerations, deceptions, misrepresentations and downright falsifications at your fingertips. But wait, they also offer 'Feature Excuses' with this weeks enhancement being sporting excuses 'for having a bad game'. Now, how much would you pay... but I digress.

In this edition's 'So What' category, check out where you can engage in some one-sided fisticuffs with your favorite celebrity 'hates' and smack one in the mouth. Targets include the president, the former president, Bill Gates, Barney and, my favorite, the Teletubbies (or was it Ronald McDonald). Oh, and Osama, of course, though I doubt the level of satisfaction would be up to par. There's a fellow who has been collecting squirt guns for 18 years ( He believes he has 'the largest water gun museum on the internet.' Imagine.

The Anti-Hippie Action League ( regards all 'smelly, stoned, lazy and ugly looking' humans to be categorized as hippies (though I can't recall seeing a real one since the early seventies). Reckon' I knew that guy, but we'uns just called 'em rednecks. On that note, perhaps we should have a 'Anti-Lounge Act in a Cheep Suit League', and, if so, then that should spawn the 'Hippie, Lounge Singer, and Too Much Aftershave-Wearing Dweeb Protection Society', and so on, and so on, and... well, you get the picture.

I've come across another stupid criminal site, "Clumsy Crooks" ( with the usual collection of idiots who should have stayed in bed. Top of the page offerings included the 'LA man who later said he was "tired of walking," stole a steamroller and led police on a 5 mph chase until an officer stepped aboard and brought the vehicle to a stop.' In this instance, I wasn't certain who was the more 'intelligence challenged.' Perhaps tis I, for reading it.

Time for my weekly favorite, drum roll please. I don't really know how to comment on this one, but, for your own safety, I can assure you, it gets weird from here on.

There is a man, Paul Freck by name, who has surpassed all levels of good taste. It seems Mr. Freck has a condition wherein he is becoming paralyzed in his lowest extremities, ergo, his feet. It would seem, he has been advised that amputation is his only recourse. Is this gentleman facing his dilemma with dignity, losing something so great, only to bounce back and become a beacon for those poor souls in similar bad times? Obviously not, or we wouldn't be discussing it here. Nope, Master Paul has built himself a home-made guillotine with the intention of filming, for posterity AND, of course, the right price, a 'Live' amputation to be broadcast via the web. In fact, he has already scheduled this event on two recent occasions, only to be thwarted, as he gripes, by corporate lawyers who apparently cost him several key investors. In fact, he states, that should you be interested in financing the production costs, please e-mail him ( I may finally say, that for the moment only, I have seen it all. Just kidding, or I couldn't sequel next week.

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