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June 26, 2002

People have referred to my office as a candidate for the Superfund Toxic Clean Up. I realize it's a mess, but I know where everything is. For instance, the candy bar I'm holding in check just to make me feel better that I haven't already eaten it and gained those extra pounds is somewhere over there underneath the travel kit I mostly emptied to fill the new travel bag I got for Christmas four years ago. And the parts, screws, etc. I removed from the laptop I was trying to resurrect in vain are still laying underneath the pants I tried on with every intention of getting them altered to accommodate the slight stomach swell that occurred after Labor Day weekend about a year or so ago (funny, that candy bar is still there). I can find the various computer parts I've been planning on making into at least one or two working models, hopefully (want to buy a starter system, he asked hopefully). Of course, I haven't found any of those socks I know are hiding around here, but who does. (I think half of my socks are living la vida loca at the neighbors house while his are over here, probably surviving off my candy bar, explaining why I can never 'catch' any two that match) But I digress. I had a barrel of 'stuff' I had saved for a while in the back yard that had mixed with several months weather, a sort of 'get ahead' project for my daughters science class next school year, But I had to get rid of it. The squirrels were complaining. You know how they can be. And then there was the... basement. Had to hire help for that one. We refer to it lovingly as 'The Dungeon'. I had some cool things down there, like my train set (bought & built before the birth of my daughter), lots more computer parts, an old printer or two, plenty of paint, you know, important stuff. But then came the flood. I don't know why all the rainfall in West Tennessee must FIRST be filtered through my basement, but there went the neighborhood. Don't pity me though, (Ah, sweet pity. Where would my love life have been without it?) it's nice and clean now, though still a bit cluttered. And, yes, I KNOW WHERE EVERYTHING IS!

* On a side note about last week's article, no, I was simply making some observations, I was not mad. I may BE mad, but I am NOT mad. Thank you.

Well the guys at ZeeBros ( know where everything is too. Chock full of fishing tips, opinions and pics, you're gonna love it here! Did I mention these brothers are local. Yep, born and bred, well, okay, not born, only half-breeds here in Lexington. They say everyone's a critic... here's proof.

And speaking of omnipotent people, take your questions to Zeus ( Yes, you can now go to the big chief of the Greek trouble makers. He apparently answers all, from geriatrics to boyfriends to animals (one of these things does not belong here), he's better than Miss Cleo at helping you with all your petty mortal problems. (He's also FREE, and been around a lot longer.) While no one will replace Ann Landers, maybe this one can take your mind off her for a while.

I realize that by now, some of my regular readers may think I have a sock fetish. No, I don't. I may have a lack of sock fetish. For the real thing, visit My Sock Drawer ( He explains himself and the existence of the site by use of puns ad nauseam and even has pages displaying a 'sock of week', a history of socks and, believe it or not, socks links and chat. Must see web here, uh huh.

Do you like cartoon one-liners? Here are a couple I've come across lately: 1) Cleft ( 2) Angus & Phil ( Then there's the exploits of The Galactic Hero Corps, Defenders of the Status Quo ( You'll just have to check it out for yourself.

I always heard of bizarre ways to get into the Guinness Book of World Records like 'Oldest surviving refrigerator leftover from Christmas 1999' (but of course, that's silly, Fruit Cake always wins that), and now I know where to find one, go to Funny World Records ( It would seem this overdressed and obviously proud boob got in by bicycling backwards while playing the violin. With the bar set that high, I'd imagine there ought to several contenders here in Lexington, so encourage that friend of yours who's so proud of his 'consecutive signs hit with empty beer bottles' record he's so carefully cultivated. He may be a star!

A side note: Who in the world thought "Easy, breezy beautiful... Cover Girl" was a good advertising concept? Not quite as useless as the current crop of Charter commercials, but easily as annoying.

You've got a burning itch to know all things Brady. It's okay. Not repeatable, certainly embarrassing, but okay. This may not quite top the 'Socks' page, but I've got your fix: The Encyclopedia Brady ( Sort of hits below the intellect, don’t you think?

Here's one I've enjoyed so far. Check out the Movie Mistakes page ( where all the little screw-ups the editors didn't catch before release are revealed. I've found just about everything I've looked for so far. It's fun. Really.

A reporter was interviewing Jack Nicklaus. He said, "Jack, you really know your way around a golf course. What is your secret?" To which Jack replied, "The holes are numbered!"

As always, you may check out the articles, nicely archived and sanitized for your protection, at http:\\\nethotspots or e-mail me at [email protected] cause we love that mail, baby. And remember, 94.5% of all statistics are made up. Till next time... say good night Gracy. Goodnight Gracy. Take care.

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