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June 19, 2002

Why does everyone think it's important to put artificial stink in everything? From sinks to ceilings and trucks to toilets, my whole house sometimes smells like a fruit garden, well, whenever company is coming over and holidays, anyway. And who decided that a lemon smells good anyway? I've seen some lemons I wouldn't say were very 'fresh'. My theory is that all this commercialism has inundated us with a constant barrage of BS for so long that we're conditioned to think we need this crap. Do you think our ancestors a couple hundred years ago or so would think 'new and improved' was an important product label, but try buying detergent without it now. (By the way, isn't it 'new' or 'improved', not both?) We often see products advertised now that brag about how they have the scent of a rose and the "added power of baking soda". Why not just use the baking soda? They tell us we need these miracle cleaners that are strong enough to kill microbes on Mars but still have a often artificially induced "lemony fresh scent." They've even pre-stinked the toilet paper! "Come 'mere hon, smell my lemony fresh fanny!" Makes as much 'scents' as 'breathable panty liners', a concept that needs no further comment. I have wondered though, do women really ask each other if they feel 'fresh as a morning daisy?'

And who told these wizards of advertising that bombarding me with 1000 commercials per dinner was a 'good thing'? Once is enough! From armpits to, well, the other end, it's an endless stream of the same commercial over and over again. I don't care how bad I might NEED their product, the second time I see some pharmacist hawking Preparation H to an unlucky truck driver over a mouthful of aunt Milly's meatloaf with her infamous 'secret ingredient', I wouldn't use it for free, even if I know what's in store for me!

And lets not forget the nightly infomercial. What boob thought insomniacs are going to rush to the phone to buy a counter top pig roaster in the middle of the night in the first place. I guess I should get some pleasure knowing Cher and her friends are 'happy' now that they have the right makeup, or that Judith Light finally got rid of her zits, but gee, Wally, 72 channels and NOTHING ELSE IS ON! And it get's sort of humorous to see these TV hawkers try to fill all that time. I remember some years ago, sitting around the house one Sunday afternoon channel surfing with some friends (the race must have been rained out), when we happened by one of those home shopping stations and they were selling pots. I mean, how much can you say about pots. I've forgotten how many times they said "... and it's blue!" in ten minutes.

What is everyone looking for these days, on the net, that is. Lycos, the search engine people with the underwear fetching dog, compiles a weekly list at . The top 5, you ask? The World Cup, Dragonball Z (and who thought up that name), Tattoos, Britney Spears (always in good company), and Father's Day.

Keeping to topic, there's Dmitry Kirsanov's Top Ten Web Design Tips (, Jakob Nielsen's Top Ten Mistakes in Web Design (, and Jeffrey M. Glover Top Ten Ways To Tell If You Have A Sucky Home Page ( Not the same lists, by the way.

There's the Top Ten Bumper Stickers and Top ten WORST things to say to your mechanic, as well as some other gyms at, or so this guy thinks.

Be sure to check for pictures of your relatives at The FBI's Top Ten Fugitives list (

Are you looking for ideas, solutions or an inspiring word? Search from thousands of Knowledge Nuggets and Top Ten lists full of rich information based on research and experience. Find inspiration in coaching skills, business success & personal development at

And speaking of coaching, you wouldn't want to miss Tim's Top Ten Bowling Tips (

Finally, you wouldn't want to miss the man who did more to propagate this endless parade of Top Tens, David Letterman's archive at, dating back to 1993 (when he scalped CBS, I suppose).

The teacher said it was physically impossible for a whale to swallow a human because even though it was a very large mammal its throat was very small. The little girl stated that Jonah was swallowed by a whale. Irritated, the teacher reiterated that a whale could not swallow a human; it was physically impossible. The little girl said, "When I get to heaven I will ask Jonah." The teacher asked, "What if Jonah went to hell?" The little girl replied, "Then you ask him."

Until next we meet, COME TO THE WEBSITE at or give me some feedback (yeah, I love 'dat stuff) at [email protected]. Take care.

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