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You know how when someone gets interviewed on TV, they always put their name and current situation underneath their picture. Like Mortimer Snurd, 'Saw 'Spock' at convention', as if that were the only thing that person had ever done in their life. I saw one just Tuesday morning that said Whatever Thename, 'Told Springstein after 9-11 "We need you". Of course I realize that this is done to enhance the report's topic, and I know the producers of these talk shows and infomercial spend a great deal of time and money over little more than these taglines in order to 'catch' the wandering eye of the couch spud and his fastest clicker in the West attention span. But as far as I know, this person 'Lost 50 pounds' or was a 'Rosaceae Victim' or was traumatized over a 'Bad Hair Day', and that's all. I was flipping through some channels the other day (you can tell when I get the chance) and, seeing another interview, wondered what would they put under my name. I mean Ed Harris, Father. I'd like that. Or Designer. Or Diver, Drummer, Sign Maker, Cartoon Character, Big Dope. What if you're life were suddenly summarized by an event? I imagine these people go on to live normal lives. But afterward, do you suppose they're now 'Worried over TV appearance'? Or 'Stressed out to the point of being institutionalized and is now labeled 'disturbed' by family and animals alike'. Or, dare we think it, 'Suing TV Producers because of public proclamation of Notorious Bad Hair Day'?

After all, the average Joe doesn't spend a lot of time being interviewed on TV about anything. And given the status we mistakenly put on any TV, or other media types, don't you figure that their friends and neighbors will likely be forever asking them about the 'hair thing' or staring at their teeth to see if they're any whiter today or their legs are smooth as a baby's butt, or just drop by in the morning to see if they really make perfect pancakes?

And these are the nice ones, I expect. What if you happened to appear on Jerry Springer? Now you've got problems. I mean, how do you get over "Gracie hates her sister Irene and is here to tell her that she's been sleeping with Irene's boyfriend for three months and she’s not going home without him!". Or "Heather’s mom always thought Heather was joking when she said she wanted to become a stripper." And "Shannon’s been sleeping with her brother, Sean, for six months!" (and these are probably the idiots who have been telling southern redneck jokes up to now) Of course, we don't feel any remorse for these people. They will only receive what they've asked for, I'm quite certain.

By the way, which is more stupid, the situations 'Jerry' people get into, or the fact that they will tell their pitiful story to the world? And for FREE! Hmmmm.

"The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence ( is an international nonprofit scientific research and education organization dedicated to the furtherance of our understanding of extraterrestrial intelligence." In other words, it's 'those' people looking for 'them' again. I may have run one of these before, but this one definitely looks different (don't they all).

And, not to be missed is Gyro's Excellent Hernia Adventure! ( This dude checked in at the University of Washington Med Center in Seattle on December 22, 1998 for a hernia operation, and proceeded to talk the doctors and nurses involved into letting him film everything, based apparently, on the recent success of a previous project, no doubt a real Oscar winner, involving dental work. Anyway, you can check out his exploits above.

Got a question? The Computer with Human Intelligence ( purposes to have an answer. His name is D.A.V.E. and they caution though that one should only ask the type of question one would ask a human. Now, it's at this point that I stop ask myself, "Self, why would I want a computer that knows no more than what I know, as a matter of fact, only what any human might know?" Oh well, what do you expect from a site with Vodka in the title?

This next site is devoted to a phenomenon those of us in the music world, and eventually everyone who enjoys a concert now and then will have to face up to. It's Guitar face, 'a horribly disfiguring condition effecting tens of thousands of guitar players (bass players too) around the world.' Similar to 'Bitter Beer' face, blues players and all bass players (in fact, pretty much everyone I've played in bands with, sorry guys, you have to face it), seem to suffer the most horrendous effects. This ( site offers pictures and symptoms to help identify the problem.

Did you know that left-handed people are most likely to go to bed with jewelry on (assuming they have jewelry)? Or that Billy Bob Thorton is deathly afraid of antique furniture (well who isn't)? You can be the expert in your house of this and other totally useless BS with help from Anomalies Unlimited ( Nuf said.

You've just got to check out The Official Jerry Lewis Comedy Museum ( Believe it or not, it's in English! Filled with information, filmographies, clips, a calendar of appearances and, of course, an online store, they have everything for the Jerry Fan (even a club, imagine). Did you know, by the way, that Jerry started recording prank phone calls back in the 1950's and these people have them so that 'Jerry's unique brand of comedy could be shared with the world.' Wow, breathtaking ain't it?

Update: The site is doing well, the computer hasn’t broken down in a month, the family is healthy, the sky is blue, the grass is green and we’re all happy that we’re getting enough cheese. Come by and check us out at or send us your fine e-mail at [email protected]. Take care.

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