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I shouldn't care what the movie industry does, given that I rarely go to one. But I wonder why it is that Hollywood trots out the promotional trailers, or clips to a movie only to change them a week later? Take Eight Legged Freaks, for instance. Originally billed as a comedy apparently, perhaps a spoof if you will, on the old giant monster / big bug flicks of the 60s, the latest trailers show it as a true horror movie. Well, which is it - futuristic 'Alien' tech picture or 'Mars Attacks' meets 'Airplane'? The truth probably lies somewhere in between. I remember a film about a giant crocodile living in Lake Placid (hence the name). Described as being witty, upbeat, horrific, quirky, menacing, humorous, campy, & light. That about covers everything except maybe dramatic or intelligent. Don't get me wrong, I liked the picture, but I'm strange like that. I imagine the studios don't really know how to design an ad campaign around all that, though I'm sure that given the egos of all those involved in such a project, not to mention the bank accounts, they believe it's the greatest film ever made.

Who do they try to appeal to? According to the demographics, over 20% of all moviegoers are under 25 years old and as a group, they account for ½ of annual ticket volume. Six out of ten of these visit the theaters at least once a month. These numbers largely represent university-educated, socially active, trendy young adults, with higher than average household incomes. This outgoing group has fast become an elusive target market that has lower than average exposure to traditional in-home media such as television. After all, with VCRs, DVDs, video games and the Internet, who's got time to watch T.V.?

But what does this generation or trendy yuppies want to see? Apparently, the same thing as the last. It has been said that to make a successful film, three things must be present: rebellion, destruction of property (usually something very expensive or rare), and, of course, the required gratuitous sex shot. That last entry is the most ridiculous since this rarely has anything more to do with the plot than the dreaded PG rating, a supposed kiss of death at the box office. I don't care too much for useless scenes. If there is no purpose in the story line for somebody to come out of a shower necked, then it shouldn't be there. I couldn't care less what the rating is as I wouldn't likely decide to see a movie based on that anyway. I can see by the trailers or tell by the talk of friends and neighbors if the film is any good or whether it's suitable for my daughter to watch. If it were up to Hollywood advertising executives, would we have ever heard of The Blair Witch Project, while massive ad dollars couldn't save big budget movies like Ron Howard's 1988 'Willow' or Arnold Schwarzenegger's 1992 'Last Action Hero' both of which bombed incredibly at the box office.

As for the destruction of property... I hate seeing a vintage Mustang Mach I get slowly banged around until they finally blow it to pieces at the end. Makes me mad.

As for rebellion, I would think that would be the easiest to include as any story teller/writer preaches that a protagonist is required to induce interest. And what is a protagonist if not a rebel in the first place.

To summarize, does it matter so much how the movie is marketed, so long as it is and providing it gets the all important favorable 'Buzz'? I suppose that this is like saying 'wrestling is fake', but could it be that ultimately, the mark of a good movie is (dare I say it?) quality over quantity?

True to the aforementioned demographics, I'm not a big movie watcher on any media, even tv, and I go to a theater maybe once or twice a year. They have to make their money off of me at the local video rental store. And, I imagine, the store makes most of that money since I can never remember to bring back the tapes on time.

Speaking of horror flicks, try The Horror Movie Directory ( They have lots of info and pictures, etc about your favorites.

Our stupid word generator offering this week is 'Make Your Own Evil Plan' ( Mine goes as follows: Congratulations on being the creator of a new Evil Plan (tm)! Your objective is simple: Widespread Misery. Your motive is a little bit more complex: Evil - It's my nature. To begin your plan, you must first Traumatize a Wall Street Executive. This will cause the world to sit up and take notice, stunned by your arrival. Who is this Spammer? Where did they come from? And why do they look so good as an Intelligence Transferred into a Computer? Next, you will Destroy the Internet. This will cause countless hordes of Computer Programmers to flock to you, begging to do your every bidding. Your name will become synonymous with Fuzzy bunnies, as lesser men whisper your name in terror. Finally, you will Covertly Move your Needlessly Big Weather Machine, bringing about Pain, suffering, the usual. This will all be done from a Dark Side of the Moon, an excellent choice if we might say. These three deeds will herald the end, and the citizens of this planet will have no choice but to elect you their new god. Trust us, it'll all come together in the end. Yeah right, it didn't happen the last time...

Tired of hearing the same old complaints at the baseball park? Would you like to hear some new zingers? You need to go to The Baseball Heckle Depot ( They have loads of insults and put-downs plus odd news reports, strange stories and lots of links. Bring new life and enjoyment to your baseball experience!

I know you hate that Martha Stewart has stopped appearing on the morning tv shows lately (poor Martha) and you probably need your fix of with exciting and creative recipes. Fear not webizens, go to Bert Christensen's Weird & Different Recipes ( And let me tell you, the title is an exceptional exercise in understatement. From Crudites With Vomit Vinaigrette to Boogers on a Stick (illustrated, no less), there's something hear to ruin any family gathering.

For the very latest in stupid talk shows, check out the Buddha and Hitler Show ( With such noticeable and opposite hosts as this one might have expected something interesting. Unfortunately though, it's chock full of dumb comments and useless guests, much like their real counterparts. Still, I suppose one could while away a moment or two.

You want to drink beer & box! No? Ok, how about downloading videos of idiots who do? Steve at Steve's Backyard Boxing ( would like you to do just that. Will wonders never cease? I ponder on occasion what conclusions archeologists will come to one day a few hundred years from now when they dig us up and try to figure out what we were thinking.

The new website ( is coming along nicely, thanks to my friends who have identified most of the problems or screwups and I've fixed most, but it is, after all, a work in progress (heh). Have you ever noticed that everything that's somehow messed up is a 'work in progress'? Well hopefully, this one will be useful. Go by and peruse to your hearts content or let me know the bugs you've found at [email protected]. Until next week, take care.

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