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    This province of "big eleohants and exquisite silk"

    gifticon.gif (361 bytes) Prasat Sikhonraphum ( Prasat Ban Ra-ngaeng )

    This sanctuary of mixed architectural stlyes is located at Tambon Ban Ra-ngaeng, Sikhoraphum district, about one km. east of the district office. It consist of five east-facing brick tower-like stupas on laterite and sandstone bases. The main stupa is situated in the middle surrounded by the other four.

    The carving and designs here have similar characteristics to ancient Khmer art of the 12th century, the time when the sanctuary was built in the Brahmanic faith.

    It is notable that the sanctuary is surrounded by a large pond instead of a gallery or a low wall.

    gifticon.gif (361 bytes) Prasat Ban Phluang

    This sanctuary, located at Ban Phluang in Tambon Kang Aen, Prasat district is built of sandstone and laterite on a rather high laterite base. The lintel over the front door, facing east, is carved showing the god Indra riding on an elephant.

    The carvings and designs suggest the date of construction to be between the 11th and 12th centuries. This sanctuary is fully restored. The sanctuary has a beautiful setting, especially at sunset.

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