Netball in Israel

living spirit behind Netball in Israel is Jodi Carreira. Together with a friend, Yoni Weil she started Netball in Israel about 6 years ago. They invited a few friends to start playing on a basketball court in a park and they had to mark the court every week. They were fortunate enough to get hold of 20 girls who missed playing as much as they did. Since those days in the park, the girls now have a marked court in a hall. They also have netball posts and netball balls. Besides from this team based in Raanana, there are 2 more teams In Dimona and in Jerusalem. Netball is still not known in Israel its a continuous struggle.  But the girls have become used to questions like "What is Netball?"

Netball Israel  hosted 2 events in Israel and traveled to Engaland 4 times for training and tournaments. In July 1993, Netball was first played in the 14th Maccabiah. Israel put together a team for the event but the girls all went their seperate ways afterwards. By the 16th Maccabiah in July 2001 an Israeli Netball team had been established.  In 2006 Israel hosted yet again a Maccabiah in which Netball had teams from Australia, South Africa, Israel and Great Britain. In Febuary 2006 Israel  traveled to Cardiff, Wales and particiapted for the first time in the European Championship as a developmental team.

We were there.....!
Fena is the Federation of Netball Europe. There are 7 affiliated countries at present. England, Girbraltor,Malta,Northern Irland, Republic if Irland, Scotland and Wales. Israel, is a candidate country. We sent a small delegation to particiapate in couching workshops in Malta in June 2005. Furthermore, we were given guidance in the formalities of officialy becoming members of IFNA and FENA.  Israel is currently an associate member of England but the intention is for them to become members of IFNA as soon as this is possible.
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