Gala Baron Fan Club:
Galahads Page:
Gamers Guild: This site is to become an RPG Gamers Haven, It contains original ideas for various RPG's.
Gamers Guilde: This link is for people in the Austin area learn about other game systems. Also to find other players and inform about up coming events.
Gaming the Smigs Way:
The Garden:
GarGames Page:
Geo's Rifts Site: Midwest: Rifts, Comic books, more Rifts, someday Star Wars
Global 1: A Palladium Megaverse expansion page. With the translations of other RPG's to the palladium system.
The Great Canadian Rifts Page: The Great Canadian Rifts Page includes discussions on Rules, Tactics, Logic and fun!!! Check out the essays and rants!
The Great Palladium Megaverse: Adventure ideas, new O.C.C.'s and R.C.C.'s, links, and lots more...


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