Callans Quality Hell Raising Page!: Lots of neat stuff. New ideas, gear, magic and raw rifts action all the time!
Captain Lambert's Megaverse Exchange:
Carriath's page of Rifts: In the Works but some good material, has my collection at the site.
Casper's Rifts Page :
Castle Nox: Covers a campaign for CS Forces. Extra Military Knowledge too.
Cave of a Dark Knight: Ever wondered what it would be like to be Superman? A Saiya-jin? Or be the host of a Guyver Unit?

Caveman Gaming Society: Rifts anti-vampire pages.

Chris' Rifts Page:
Citizen Lazlos Palladium Page.: My complete book listing, rundown of my most intricate campaign, my megaversal timeline, fan fiction.
The City Of Rhunespire: Rhunespire...the Nightlands equivalent of Toronto, Canada.
The Rifts Compendium: A site dedicated to the Rifts role-playing game, by Palladium Books.


The Coalition:
Coalition Estates: A forum for playing Rifts ICQ and any other way you can think of.
The Coalition High Command: Page on the coalition and some of the equipment created as well as some other peoples stuff.
Codex - Palladium: RIFTS, Fan Fiction, Skraypers & more!
Cold Hard Rifts:
Cross's Rifts Web-Page: This used to be Cross's Coalition Webpage, its been given a huge overhaul, updated weekly.
Crossfire: Crossfire is a site dedicated to the characters, races, technology, artwork and links that make up the Rifts Megaverse.
Mr. Cynister:
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