Acids Rift:
Adventures of the West:
All Original Rifts Homepage:
Ancient Realms:
Another Dominion: Rifts page heavily in Construction, with art I have drawn, please check back often to check it out.
Rifts Antarctica: This is my first web site. It is located in the frozen wastelands of Antarctica. Here you can find everything from magic to power armors. A complete net book with over 500 pages of new material!
AnubisXy's Swanky Homepage: AnuxisXy's private little Dream stream, his own personal crazy stuff
A.P. Systems: The sanctum of Caspian Marqine, with writing both satirical and not, and an attempt at a NGR net book.
Rifts: Arcanum: Welcome to web page that discusses Rifts Past, ranting and raving by me, character sheets, and more.
The Archangel Dimensional Net Hub: Rift: Welcome to web page that discusses Rifts Past, ranting and raving by me, character sheets, and more.
ArchAngel's RPG Dungeon:
The ArchMage Pages:
Rifts Arctic:
Ardinmore Enterprises:
Arioch's World:
Arndael's Character Graveyard: Site containing dead characters from various RPG's.
Ashe's Future Chronicles: A reference site for Rifts players, GM's, and the occasional Transformers fan, Future Chronicles is an original site with the illustrious title as home of the first net book incorporating the Transformers into the Palladium
Atlantis On-Line; The Domain of Lord Splynncryth:
Aura's Silly Role Playing Stuff:   GrrrrBaaah and welcome to my master Aura's sight. I am her pet demon sheep Fluffly and I shall be showing you around today. Come now and visit her alchemist's shop or read her stories. Go to the humor addition and have a great laugh of role-playing or not.
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