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A try of Translation
Synthesis of on explicit teaching (B. V. ROSENSHINE)

Six teaching functions
2. Presenting new material. Research had shown that effective teachers of mathematics spent more time on presenting new material and guided practice than do less effective teacher (Evertson et al. 1980, Good and Grouws 1979). For example, in the Evertson study the most effective mathematics teachers spent about 23 minutes per day in lecture, demonstration, and discussion in contrast to 11 minutes for the least effective teachers. The effective teachers used this additional presentation time to give additional explanations and many examples, check for student understanding, and provide sufficient instruction so that the student could practice independently with minimal difficulty. In contrast, the less effective teachers gave much shorter presentations and explanations and then sent the student to independent practice. Under those conditions students were less successful because they were not yet ready for independent practice. Hence, they made too many errors and had to be retaught.
2.新教材の紹介・説明 研究によると、効率の良い数学の教師は、そうではない教師に比べて、より多くの時間を新教材の導入と指導演習に割いている。(Evertson1980 他、GoodとGrouws 1979) 例えば、Evertsonの研究によると、最も下手な教師が日に11分を講義、呈示、質疑応答に費やすのに対して、上手な数学の先生は23分もそれに費やす。うまい先生の場合、この多い時間分を、生徒が困難なく、主体的に練習できるように、追加的な説明や多くの事例を与えたり、充分な指導をする事にまわしていた。対照的に、下手な教師の場合、初期導入のプレゼンテーションと説明の時間が短いまま生徒を主体演習の時間に送り込むのであった。このような状況下では、生徒は主体演習をするにはまだ準備不足なので、望ましい学習には至っていなかった。それゆえ、多くの誤りをおかし、再授業を受けねばならなかった。
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