The Approaching Planet

Nibiru Rendezvous

(Art By Drew)

I discovered that Nibiru (Planet X) is now often being used as a METAPHOR. A symbol that is an analogy for the coming Cosmic Convergence already in its beginning stages.

Yet, Nibiru (Planet X) is a genuine planet within our solar system.

There is no doubt in my mind after spending quite a number of hours studying, researching and looking into the many scenarios presented on the internet by many researchers, and a few disinformation agents as well. (you'll have to weed those out for yourselves because some are quite slick indeed, an excellent chance for anyone to hone their discernment skills.)

To my best understanding of all this information and my own weeding out (a constant process,) I have come to the conclusion that:

1) There is another planet in our solar system which the ancients called "Nibiru" -- the "planet of the crossing."

2) Its orbit is 3600 or sightly more years, depending upon its incoming attractions which effect its long orbit, making it vary slightly.

3) We are due within the next 60 - 120 years to directly experience its passage.

4) It is an inhabitated planet and some of our genetic ancestors live there. They have interfaced and been with us in the past, often for long periods of time, and are interacting with us right now, only in a fairly hidden manner, since there is much hostility in the Military/Industrial Complex due to "National Security" considerations concerning the entire UFO/ETI phenomena.

5) These concerns are factional. Some players are highly paranoid, some are just the opposite, recognizing the Anunnaki as our ancestors and welcoming them -- and many folks, on planet Earth 2009, are somewhere in between.

6) Certain earth representatives, including the U.S. Government, have had direct face to face interaction with them, as well as with other "extraterrestrials," not as closely related as are the people from Nibiru, who call themselves the Sa.ha.mi.

7) They are known in the ancient Sumerian literature as the "Anunnaki" which means, "those who from heaven to earth came." Sitchen calls them the "Anunnaki/Elohim." These are just seven basic the things I have discovered. There is much more. What I am writing here is linear information that must be groked and then decoded, deciphered and syntesized HOLONOMICALLY. Otherwise we have little more than an assembled myth. Not a lie, as some take the word "myth" to mean, but a metaphor of a metaphor, which can drive linear thinkers bonkers -- like attempting to hear the sound of one hand clapping. Interconnectivity is definitely required.

Some declare that Nibiru is now due and already within our inner solar system.

Nancy Leder of Zetatalk is one who declares this. Others, inculding Zechariah Sitchen, Sumerian Scholar, say that it will not pass for yet another 60 to 120 years.

From what I am able to understand, the Anunnaki themselves say that the planet is not due back quite yet, but relatively soon. 60 -- 120 years. This would be after the Cosmic Convergence but has a great influence upon it from now until the physical passage of Nibiru and beyond.

In fact, none of us will ever be the same.

In 1983, astronomers located Nibiru with the IRAS satellite. The discovery was written up in the Washington Post having been picked up by the AP. CLICK HERE for that article. The scientist here say that it was found to be cold. That may be disinformation to disguise it, or it may be true.

Either way, the Anunnaki can still live there. They may dwell mostly beneath the surface and/or they may have suface settlements geothermally heated. They have a very high technology indeed.

Zecharia Sitchen helped one of the scientists on the IRAS project, named R.S. Harrington, to identify it by matching up its orbit with the ancient Sumerian texts which talk all about it, describing many things about Nibiru, including its long orbit. The planet appears to be a "Brown Dwarf" approximately four times the size of Earth and with a magnetic field about twenty seven times more powerful than Earth. Nibiru, being a brown dwarf, has its own internal heat supply and is also a WATER planet, like ours.

X Facts

Damon Elkins on Nibiru

Nibiru, the ancients observed, is seen incoming through the contellation of Orion from our south. Right now, there is an observatory complex at the South Pole watching it. It is being manned by international scientists and astronomers.

Another observatory watching it is the Vatican's infrared telescope up on Mount Graham in Arizona. Although Nibiru is a water planet, at the same time it is a "Brown Dwarf" and has a high infrared signature. That's why the infrared telescopes observe it.

But, due to the cosmic convergence, which some call a "Nexus Event," which is a pulling in of our solar system into the Milky Way Whirlpool Disk for the reasons I state here:

Galactic Crossroads

At this time, Earth seems to be involved in an even greater event than the 3600 year passage of Nibiru. This is a rare coming together of many cycles. One of these is the allignment of our Sun with energies from the central galaxy as it passes into line with the Milky Way Whirlpool Disk. This may be a very unique event which has never occurred before, since our solar system is just now joining the Milky Way, having been in the Sagitarrius Dwarf Galaxy as has been recently discovered. The pre-historical evidence left in the fossil record shows that large extinction events take place periodically. Many biologist are calling this a "die off" event as well as a "punctuated equilibrium."

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