Vector the Crocodile
Debut: Chaotix
Appearances: Chaotix, (Was due to appear in the Beta version of Sonic 1), Sonic the Fighters and Sonic Heroes.
Age: 20
DOB: March
Species: Crocodile
Eyes: Brown
Color: Green and Yellow with Red spikes on his back.
Height: 100 cm? (I think he's taller than this...)
Weight: 35 kg
Weakness: His size? Big mouth?
Dislikes: Hardly dislikes anything. Just criminals.
Likes: Friends, speed, his music, dancing and food.
Enemies: Eggman and Metal Sonic.
Friends: Heavy, Sonic the Hedgehog, Tails, Knuckles the Echidna, Mighty the Armadillo, Espio the Chameleon, Charmy Bee and Bomb.
Residence: ?
Power Boost, Spin-Dash (Ring version), Spin attack (Ring version), speed, acrobatic skill, Fire Dunk, Hammer Down, Bubblegum Descent and climbing.
    This guy loves music even more than I do! He's never seen without his headset no matter what and is always listening to something and doesn't let anyone or anything keep him from having a good time with his buddies or hearing his favorite song. Probably the only things he loves more than music are his friends, food and running.

     It's unknown exactly why he joined the Chaotix and it's rumoured that he was part of Sonic's old group. Actually, he almost was but never got the part. What we do know is that he originally traveled to Angel Island after hearing of a "miraculous island." Apparently he believes in a Supreme Being (I know I do!). He's quite the happy-go-lucky guy but is often brash too. Like most of the others he has a huge heart - same can be said for his mouth.

Sonic Heroes, he joins up with Charmy and Espio in their own detective agency in an attempt to make themselves known. As strange as their new proposal is, the deal is just too good! Charmy's excited and Espio's suspicious, so it's left up to Vector, the team's leader, to decide. With great big dollar signs in his eyes, he quickly accepts the offer and their story starts.
"The muscle-us Vector, the comical actor has sworn to fight for you!" :P
"You know our policy. We never turn down work that pays!" - Vector
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