Big the Cat
Debut: Sonic Adventure
Appearances: Sonic Adventure (DX), Sonic Shuffle, Sonic Adventure 2 (Battle) and Sonic Heroes.
Age: 18
DOB: December 23
Species: Cat
Eyes: Yellow
Color: Purple and White
Height: 200 cm
Weight: 280 kg
Weakness: His slow speed and size.
Dislikes: The realities of life (don't we all).
Likes: Fishing with Froggy (a.k.a. Kaeru-kun), eating the fish and just lazing around.
Enemies: Chaos and Eggman.
Friends: Froggy (Kaeru-kun)
Residence: Mystic Ruins
Abilities: Lure attack, floating above water, Wide Power Attack, Fire Dunk and Umbrella Descent.
    Big likes to live a care-free life for the most part which is why he lives so isolated in the Mystic Ruins. That life style was obviously interupted when Froggy swallowed part of Chaos' tail and ran off. To look for his friend Big started fishing all around and eventually had to save him from Chaos 6. They go back to the Ruins but come back in the final scene with Super Sonic.

     He only seems dumb because of his voice - and sometimes how he acts. Sure he's lazy but how else is he supposed to live the life he wants?

     Once more, Big has to search for Froggy but he has help now (and no fishing, yay!). But how Froggy got away in the first place, I'm not too sure.
"It's all the same, the bright sky and shining sun. I have a feeling it's gonna be a fun day." - Big
Froggy!!! Kaeru-kun!!!
Click here for Big's Theme Song.
I think his ears grew :P
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